Congrats — you made it through! Summer is coming to an end, and the kids are finally heading back to school. Now, it’s time to get back to business.
We get it, summer can completely throw off your routine. And if you haven’t been working at your best, know that it’s not your fault. You haven’t been lazy, you’ve been enjoying the weather and the time with your family. So whether you’ve been going strong all season long or you took a bit of a break, there’s never been a better time to reorganize, refocus and reignite your business-building efforts.
Need a little push? We’ve got some helpful tips for getting back on track and moving forward towards accomplishing your goals.
Don’t underestimate the power of a solid plan. If thought out thoroughly, determining the right strategy could save you time in the long run by helping you avoid mishaps, no matter what you’re trying to get done. The first part of having a solid plan is to have a goal in mind. What do you want to accomplish in the next year of your business?
Brand Partners just starting their journey with NewAge can sometimes feel like they’re wasting time if they don’t jump right into expanding their team, but there’s truly nothing more valuable than using the tools we provide to educate yourself and get organized before you begin. Get familiar with the NewAge Office — this is where every new Brand Partner should start. By taking advantage of our proven resources and processes for building your business with NewAge, you’ll accomplish more with your time and ultimately achieve higher levels of success. Say, for example, you want to spend the next year working to fully utilize the Power of Four. Head to your NewAge Office Dashboard and check out the tracker that will help you stay on track to success.
Or what if your goal is to grow your team using the award-winning tools in the NewAge Share™ app? First, make sure you’ve got the app downloaded. We’ve seen that Brand Partners who use the app are two times more successful than non app users. So if you haven’t already, make sure to download it and then learn how take full advantage of all the resources it puts into the palm of your hand.

Before the week even begins, you should know exactly what’s on your schedule. Keep yourself organized by blocking out periods of time that you can dedicate to completing specific tasks, like learning the ins and outs of NewAge and creating your own engaging social media content featuring your favorite NewAge products that will help your influence go further. By doing things like this, you’ll never have to worry about when you’ll have time to fit NewAge into your schedule.
If you need help creating engaging content? Check out our top tips and tricks here. You should also follow us @newageincglobal on social media to see the types of content that is proven to work.
That’s not all, though, stay tuned as we’ll be unveiling a brand new social selling training to help you master the basics and more — if you’re unsure of where to start when it comes to social selling, you’ll definitely want to check it out!
What do you do when you wake up every morning? Are you a creature of habit or do you prefer to wing it and inevitably forget a thing or two on your to-do list? How you begin each day before jumping into your work will set the tone for your productivity level and attitude, so take a moment to declutter your mind and get prepared for the day ahead.
First, make yourself a priority and take some time for you. Make coffee, eat breakfast, put on your favorite outfit and start your day on a positive note. When your basic needs are met, it’ll be easier to focus on what needs to get done. Do this consistently and you’re guaranteed to have a routine that will help you stay on track.
If you have a home office, make sure it’s organized and encourages you to finish the task at hand with minimal distractions. That means light your favorite candle, turn up some tunes and do whatever you need to do to get focused. If you prefer to leave the house, pack up your supplies, grab your ear buds and head to your favorite café or lounge to get to work. Whatever atmosphere you prefer, set your intentions and stay consistent with your actions.
You may already be a punctual person, but if not, it’s time to be on time … literally. Nobody likes waiting on the chronically late friend, family member, teammate or business partner, so don’t turn into that person. By adding more organization to both your personal and professional life, you’ll naturally become more punctual and begin to make the most of your days.
Approaching your responsibilities with more discipline helps you stay attentive and focused on the task at hand rather than everything else on your to-do list. Say you’re meeting up (in person or virtually) with a connection for the first time, you’ll want to give off the right impression from the very start, so don’t be late!
Remember, dependability is one of the best ways to earn someone’s trust — they’ll be more inclined to believe in the products you share as well as the business opportunity with NewAge if they know that you’re reliable and trustworthy. So, help everyone believe in your character by giving them your undivided attention and showing them you’re serious about their time as well as your own.