Homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris is derived from barberry plant which belongs to family berberidaceae. The bark of root of this plant undergoes potentization (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal powers of a crude substance) to prepare homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris. It is a renowned medicine in homeopathy to treat kidney disorders, especially kidney stones.
The ‘Berberis Vulgaris’ Constitution
This medicine is highly suitable for persons who suffer from kidney or bladder issues. It also suits persons who feel tired all the time and become prematurely old. Lastly, persons having long-term joint inflammation due to high uric acid level find this medicine very useful.
Drug Action
This medicine has widespread action on urinary organs. Its action is well marked on joints, liver and skin. Lastly, it acts well on male and female genitals.
Clinical Indications
Kidney stones, kidney pain, kidney disorders, bladder disorders, nephritis (kidney inflammation), cystitis (bladder inflammation), haematuria (blood in urine), arthritis (joint inflammation), eczema, gallstones, itching, liver disorders, back pain, painful menses, vaginismus, vaginal discharges
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Urinary Issues (Kidney Stones, Kidney Pain, Cystitis)
The foremost action of this medicine is seen on urinary organs. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat numerous urinary issues among which kidney stones is the most prominent. It is highly recommended as the first line of treatment in kidney stone treatment. It helps dissolve kidney stones and relieves pain arising from kidney stones. Berberis Vulgaris is an important medicine for treating shooting pain in kidneys that reaches the bladder. Burning sensation, bubbling sensation or pressive pain is felt in area around kidneys which is sore and sensitive to touch. Any jarring motion or jumping worsens the pain. Other than kidney stones and pain, Berberis Vulgaris can be given in cases of cystitis (bladder inflammation). Urination is difficult and painful along with increase in frequency. During and after urination, cutting and burning pain is felt. There is constant urge to urinate, however urine output is scanty. A feeling of some quantity of urine remaining behind is experienced after urinating. Thick mucus may pass in the urine. Sandy or slimy sediments may pass in urine. Its role in managing cases of haematuria (blood in urine) is worth mentioning.
Key indicating features
To dissolve kidney stones
Shooting pain which spreads from kidney to the bladder
Cystitis with painful and frequent urination, with cutting and burning pains
2. Back (Backache)
This medicine works well for managing backache. In cases needing it, back pain becomes worse on sitting or lying down. There is bruised pain in the lower back with stiffness and difficulty in rising from the seat. A sensation of having been beaten in the lower back is felt. Tension in the lower back with numbness, warmth, stiffness and lameness (unable to walk correctly) are the other accompanying symptoms. It may extend down the lower limbs. Tearing, burning or pressing pain may occur too. Berberis Vulgaris is also beneficial for managing lower back pain during menses. Next indication to use it is sharp pulsating pain in sacrum (triangular bone in lower back). It is a well-indicated medicine for pain in the lower back after surgery.
Key indicating features
Back pain worse while sitting or lying down
Tension in lower back with numbness, warmth, stiffness and lameness
Sharp pulsating pain in sacrum
3. Limbs (Joint Pains)
With its action on limbs, Berberis Vulgaris mainly helps in relieving pain in the joints. Among joints, it offers help to relieve knee joint pain wonderfully. There is stinging type of pain in the knee joint mostly on inner side. It worsens from walking. Knee feels lame, tired and bruised. Knee is swollen, stiff and sore as well. There is tension in the bend of knee. Berberis is a prominent medicine for toe joint pain. It gives good results when there is stitching pain in the toes. Pain is most marked in the big toe. Burning and crawling feeling, pricking pain and soreness is felt in the toes. One may also find Berberis helpful in alleviating shoulder joint pain. A person recovers from tearing, stinging or throbbing pain in the shoulder which gets worse with movement and applying pressure with this medicine. This medicine is useful for elbow pain. It can be given for tearing, drawing or stinging pain in the elbow. The pain can extend to the hand from the elbow, along with heaviness. Another characteristic for its use is heel pain which is of tearing, stinging type and felt when stepping up or down, and walking. Ulcerated pain in the heel is felt while standing.
Key indicating features
Stinging pain in the knee joint on inner side, gets worse while walking
Stitching pain in the toes
Shoulder pain gets worse from movement and pressure
Heel pain of tearing, stinging type while stepping and walking
4. Male Problems (Pain In Testes, Genital Itching)
Action of Berberis Vulgaris is also noted on the male genitals. This medicine can help to relieve pain in the testes which may be stitching/ constricting/ smarting/ cutting/ stinging/ pressing or burning type. This medicine also relieves pain in the spermatic cord which is smarting/burning/ piercing in nature. This medicine can help to manage itching on the scrotum as well. Another main indication for its use is suppressed sexual desire. Besides these, it works well in cases of premature ejaculation. Crawling, stinging, itching in the genitals can also be well managed with Berberis Vulgaris.
Key indicating features
Stitching, constricting, smarting, cutting, stinging, pressing or burning pain in the testes
Crawling sensation, stinging pain, itching in the genitals
5. Female Problems (Painful Menses, Leucorrhoea, Vaginismus)
There are some female problems that this medicine can treat wonderfully. First among these is painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). There is marked pain in the genitals. There is greyish blood discharge during periods. Berberis Vulgaris can be used for painful menses with pain in the kidneys radiating down the thighs. The periods are scanty and black in colour. Next it helps cases of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) when there is discharge of greyish mucus accompanied with painful urination. Vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something tries to enter it) cases can also be treated well with it. Lastly it is indicated for cases of suppressed sexual desire or low sexual desire.
Key indicating features
Pain in kidney down the thighs during menses
Vaginal discharge of greyish mucus
6. Liver Complaints (Liver Pain)
With its action on liver, Berberis is useful in managing liver pain. This can successfully handle cases of aching, stabbing, sticking, pressive or shooting pain in the liver. The pain gets worse if affected area is pressed. It is also well indicated for gallstones treatment. It can relieve pain in case of gall stones.
Key indicating features
Aching, stabbing, sticking, pressive or shooting pain in the liver
Gallstones with marked pain
7. Skin Issues (Itching, Eczema, Pigmentation, Warts)
Berberis Vulgaris acts wonderfully on skin. Here it gives good result in cases of skin itching. Along with this, burning and pricking sensation is felt on skin. Scratching worsens these complaints, while cold application offers relief. This medicine can be given for treating skin pigmentation that occurs in circumscribed spots (patches). Its use is also considered in eczema of anus and hands particularly. Lastly, it can treat flat warts.
Key indicating features
Skin itching and burning worse from scratching
Skin pigmentation in circumscribed spots
Eczema particularly of anus and hands
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from movement, rising up from seat, during urination, from jarring, standing and deep pressure
Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air and after urinating
This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. But the most preferred is mother tincture (Q) form. In Q potency, 5 to 7 drops of this medicine dissolved in half a cup of water can be taken two to three times a day. Caution is required to use it in high potency frequently which is generally not recommended.
Relationship With Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Camphor and Belladonna
It antidotes: Aconite
It can be compared with other remedies including Lycopodium, Sarsaparilla, Nux Vomica and Oxalic Acid.