Itchy ears trouble a lot of people with one or the other finger always at the ear. It is an irritating sensation in the ears accompanied by a desire to scratch frequently. Though not dangerous, it can be quite uncomfortable and annoying with the intensity of the problem varying from person to person. It can simply arise from dry skin of the ears or a medical condition like ear infection, eczema, etc. Itching in the ears can be accompanied by other signs and symptoms (like pain, discharge from ears, dryness, redness, swelling, flaking in or around ears) depending on the cause behind it.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy gives remarkable results in cases of itchy ears. Homeopathic medicines are very safe and natural. They also manage any of the attending signs and symptoms accompanying itchy ears. These include pain in the ear, ear dryness and drainage from the ear, redness, swelling and flaking of skin in and around the the ears.
Top Homeopathic Medicines For Itchy Ears
1. Silicea – Top-Grade Medicine
It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for managing itching in one ear or both. Along with itching, sometimes pricking and aching may be felt in the ears. In some cases, dryness in the ears may be there. Sometimes a blockage is felt in the ears. Stitching type of pain in ears can attend. If there is discharge from ears, it can be thin, watery or of purulent (pus) nature. It can have an offensive smell too. There may be swelling in the external ear.
2. Petroleum – For Ear Itching And Dryness
This medicine is very beneficial when there is itching in the ears along with dryness. Itching is deep in the ears. The meatus may be swollen, inflamed and painful. Ears may be sore to touch in some cases. It is a well-indicated medicine for eczema of the ears attended with intense itching.
3. Hepar Sulph – For Itchy Ears And Excess Ear Wax
Hepar Sulph is a prominent medicine for cases in which there is itching in the ears and excess ear wax. Darting type of pain in the ears can be felt. In some cases, ear canal is filled with white, cheesy and blood-stained pus. There can be little pustular (pus-filled) eruptions in the meatus. Lastly, green coloured ear discharge is sometimes present in addition to above symptoms.
4. Pulsatilla – For Ear Itching And Pain
It is prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as ‘wind flower’. It works very well in cases of itching and pain in the ear. The pain can be tearing or shooting type. Sometimes it is pulsating in nature especially at night. Along with it, there is a feeling of the ear being blocked. There may be redness and swelling in the external meatus. Profuse ear discharge may attend. The discharge may be thick, yellow or yellowish-green in colour.
5. Tellurium – For Itching And Swelling Of Ear
Use of this medicine is considered when there is itching and swelling in the ear. Transparent yellow-colored, watery discharge may flow. It can have a specific fish brine-like smell. There is throbbing type of pain in the ear. In some cases needing it, ulceration in external auditory meatus is present.
6. Merc Sol – For Itching In Ears With Offensive Ear Discharge
This medicine is valuable to treat cases in which a person has itching in the ears along with an offensive ear discharge. The discharge consists of greenish pus. It gets worse at night. Along with it, pain is experienced in the ears. The pain can be tearing, pressing, stitching, shooting or burning in nature that varies from case to case. The pain from the ears may extend to cheeks in some cases. There is also inflammation in the ears which gives a feeling of the ear being blocked.
7. Psorinum – For Intolerable Itching
Psorinum is well indicated for cases in which there is intolerable itching in the ears. The ear is swollen along with pain. Fetid pus may get discharged from the ear which is usually brownish. In some cases, reddish ear wax emanates. Other than this, there is a feeling of the ears being stuffed with cotton.
8. Calcarea Carb – For Itching And Heat In Ears
This medicine is helpful when there is itching and heat in the ears. Stitching pain or pulsation in ear may be felt. In the external meatus, there may be sticky discharge of white fetid pus. The ear is swollen and inflamed. Small ulcers may be present in outer meatus.
9. Causticum – For Ear Itching With Thick Gluey Discharge
This medicine is beneficial when there is itching and thick gluey discharge from ears. It is purulent (pus-like) and offensive. Burning sensation in ears and redness attends it. The ear feels obstructed and there may be pinching pain in the ears. Lastly, there may be accumulation of ear wax that sometimes has an offensive smell.
10. Nux Vomica – For Ear Itching And Dry Ear Canal
This medicine is recommended when the ears are itchy accompanied by dryness in ear canal. It is also sensitive to touch, with tearing or stitching pain. The pain may extend to forehead or sides of head. Sometimes there is sharp ear pain that gets worse while swallowing. Pressure is also felt in the ears.
11. Aurum Met – For Itching, Prickling sensation In Ears
This medicine is used when there is itching in the ears, along with pricking and burning sensation. Pain and fetid pus from ears attends it. Blockage in the ear is also felt.
12. Fluoric Acid – For Intolerable Itching In Ear
It is an important medicine for persons who have intolerable itching in the ears. They feel momentary relief by scratching. It is followed by burning sensation in the ears. Copious ear discharge occurs along with these symptoms. Lastly, there can be great sensitivity to even little noises in the morning.
13. Kali Phos – For Deep Seated Pain
This medicine is indicated when there is itching and deep-seated pain in ears. Itching worsens while lying down. Stinging sensation in ears can also be there. In some cases, eruptions in ear canal are present. Other than this, blockage is felt in the ears. Lastly, a person becomes sensitive to sounds, and noise becomes unbearable.
What Are Causes Behind Itchy Ears?
Itchy ears can arise from various reasons.
Firstly, the problem can arise from dry skin in the ears. Lubricating ear wax is not produced in the right amount which results in dry and itchy ears. On the other hand, a build-up of ear wax can also result in itchy ears. Ear wax helps to clear the dead skin cells and dirt from the ears. In case it is in excess and accumulates in ears, then itching can arise.
Next, it can arise in case of ear infection (caused by bacteria or viruses during cold or flu). Swimmers mostly face this problem due to infection in the outer ear canal which is caused when water stays behind in the ears after swimming.
Another reason is eczema or dermatitis of the ear canal (it happens from inflammation of the skin in and around the ear canal). It can occur from allergic reaction to some products used in or around the ear, or sometimes the cause is unknown.
It may arise in case of psoriasis –an autoimmune skin condition characterized by red and inflamed patches on the skin covered with silvery shiny scales.
Use of hearing aids can be another reason for itchy ears. It can be a result of ill-fitting hearing aids, trapping of water in the ears or in some cases, an allergic reaction to the hearing aid.
Lastly, it can be due to a food allergy (common food items that can cause food allergies are nuts, fish, wheat, milk and soy).