Burning eyes means a burning sensation, irritation or stinging in the eyes.
It can be attended with other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include itching in eyes, dry eyes, grittiness (feeling of some small particle like grain of sand in eyes), tears, red, sore eyes and discharge from the eyes. In some cases, nasal symptoms may also be present. These include runny nose, sneezing, nasal blockage and PND (post nasal discharge means dripping of mucus from posterior nares in the back of the throat).
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy can be very effective in managing complaint of burning in eyes. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity of burning and also manage its attending symptoms. Such symptoms include itching in the eyes, dry eyes, eye discharge, tearing and red eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for this complaint under supervision of a homeopathic physician. In case bleeding/ pus discharge from eyes attends or when there is severe eye pain, sensitivity to light, sudden changes in vision, double vision, light flashes, spots or floaters (liquid or gel-like liquid) in front of the eyes along with burning sensation in eyes, then it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment as these can indicate some serious causes related to the eyes.
Homeopathic Medicines For Burning Eyes
1. Euphrasia – Top-grade Medicine
It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis, commonly known by the name of ‘eye – bright’. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases of burning in the eyes. In cases needing it, watering from the eyes attends burning. Other than this, a sensation of dust or sand in the eyes may be felt. In some cases, dryness in the eyes is present. Itching may accompany. Other than this, there may occur swelling of the eyelids. Along with this, there is itching, burning, redness in the margins of eyelids. Sometimes nasal symptoms attend. These include sneezing, runny nose and nasal irritation.
2. Belladonna – For Burning In Eyes And Redness
It is a natural medicine prepared from plant ‘deadly nightshade’. This medicine works well in cases having burning and marked redness in the eyes. Persons who need it also feel pricking in the eyes. Itching and dryness in the eyes attend it. Itching and burning is also felt in the eyelids. Sometimes hot tears from eyes can flow. It is a very effective medicine for cases of conjunctivitis.
3. Pulsatilla – For Burning Eyes And Discharge From Eyes
This medicine is prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a well-indicated medicine for cases presenting with burning eyes and thick yellow discharge from the eyes. Along with this, eye itching is marked. The itching leads to rubbing and scratching. A pressing sensation in the eyes can attend. There may be grittiness in the eyes. Dryness of eyes occurs along with the above symptoms. It gets worse in the evening. Other than this, there is redness and swelling on margins of eyelids. It is a well-indicated medicine for iritis and conjunctivitis cases.
4. Apis Mellifica – For Burning, Stinging In Eyes
It is a prominent medicine to manage burning and stinging in eyes. Stinging sensation is also felt in eyes. The conjunctiva looks bright red. Profuse flow of tears accompanies it. Eye itching and soreness is the next attending symptom. The eyelids may be swollen and puffy along with these symptoms.
5. Sulphur – For Burning And Sensation Of Sand In Eyes
Sulphur is a beneficial medicine for those having burning sensation and grittiness in eyes. There may be inflammation in eyes or eyelids. Pricking pain in the eyes is also a major complaint. Itching in the eyes is also felt with these symptoms. There is watering from the eyes in the morning which is followed by dryness.
6. Aconite – For Burning Eyes With Dryness
This medicine is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus, commonly known as ‘monkshood’. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is helpful for cases in which there is burning in the eyes along with marked dryness. There is relief by throwing cold water on eyes. Redness in eyes and inflammation is also present. Dryness and burning is also felt in the eyelids where this medicine is required. Eyes are sensitive to air along with above symptoms.
7. Natrum Mur – For Burning And Itching In The Eyes
Use of this medicine is considered when there is burning and itching in the eyes. The burning sensation is most marked in the evening. Sometimes grittiness in eyes is felt in the morning. It is a well-indicated medicine for cases of blepahritis. In such cases, the eyelids are red, sore with burning sensation.
8. Arsenic Album – For Burning In Eyelid Margins
This medicine is indicated when burning sensation is present in the margins of eyelids. Along with this, there is soreness on internal surface of lids. The eyelids can be swollen. The edges of lids are painful if you move them. There is grittiness in eyes in the evening causing rubbing of eyes. Next, the inner eyelid margin may be red. Dryness can attend it.
9. Allium Cepa – For Eye Burning And Nasal Symptoms
Allium Cepa is a valuable medicine when there is burning in eyes. With this a biting and smarting sensation (feeling like pin -pricks) in eyes may be felt too. It feels as if there is smoke in front of the eyes, there is desire to intermittently rub the eyes. Other than this, the eyes are red and watery. Along with these, there occur nasal symptoms like runny nose and frequent sneezing.
10. Merc Sol – For Burning And Profuse Watering From Eyes
Merc Sol is an important medicine when there is burning in the eyes along with profuse watering from eyes. Biting and burning in eyes is mostly felt in open air. The eyelids are sensitive to cold, heat, touch in cases that need it. The eyelids may be inflamed, red, swollen and thick where Merc Sol is required.
What Are The Causes Behind It?
It can arise due to various reasons.
In many cases, it can occur due to environmental pollutants like dust, smoke, smog or from exposure to excessively cold or hot air. In some cases, it can arise from eye strain as after excessive screen time on computer or mobile. In such cases, additional symptoms that can arise include dry eyes or watery eyes, double vision, and sensitivity to light.
In other cases, it can occur from some medical reason as given below.
It firstly includes conjunctivitis, also known as ‘pink eye’. It means inflammation of the conjunctiva which is a thin clear layer that covers white part of the eye. It can occur from an infection that can be viral or bacterial or from an allergic reaction to pollen, chemicals, etc. In this condition, burning in the eyes can attend its other signs and symptoms that include redness of the eyes, discharge from eyes, itchy eyes, excessive tears and gritty sensation in eyes.
Second cause can be allergies. These can be triggered by exposure to allergens like dust, smoke, pollen, etc. Along with eye signs and symptoms like burning, itchy eyes, red eyes, watery discharge from eyes, it may be accompanied by nasal symptoms too. These nasal symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, PND, sore throat and coughing.
Next, it can arise in case of common cold and flu.
Burning in the eyes can also be due to dry eyes. It can arise from allergies, exposure to smoke, excessive screen time on computers, diabetes, use of certain medications (like anti-histamines, anti-depressants and some drugs used for treating high blood pressure) or from some types of arthritis. Dry eyes can occur either from decreased production of tears or from production of poor quality tears. In addition to burning eyes, it can cause light sensitivity, redness of the eyes, scratchy sensation in the eyes, mucus in and around the eyes.
Ocular rosacea can be also a cause. It refers to inflammation of the eyes affecting those having a skin condition called rosacea (rosacea affects the face which causes redness, flushed face with prominent blood vessels and pus-filled eruptions). In ocular rosacea, there is burning in the eyes along with other symptoms like itchy eyes, irritation in the eyes and eye redness.
Next reason is pterygium (a triangular-shaped tissue flap that grows on the conjunctiva of the eye)
Another cause is blepharitis (means inflammation of the eyelids). It can lead to burning in the eyes along with itching of eyelids, watery eyes, flakiness around eyes, light sensitivity and sticking of the eyelids.