Burning stomach pain is a very common problem that we ignore if it happens once in a while due to an upset stomach or indigestion. If it happens frequently, it can be a manifestation of different problems like gastritis, peptic ulcers or acid reflux. The common symptoms to look out for are bitter burping, gas, heaviness and bloating in the belly along with a burning sensation in stomach.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the frequency and intensity of the burning in the stomach gradually. Along with this, the accompanying symptoms like gas, feeling of fullness after eating, bloating, burping, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, rising up of food or stomach acid can be well managed with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines bring relief in these symptoms by acting on the root cause behind it. The homeopathic prescription for a case of stomach burning varies from person to person depending on the attending symptoms and the cause behind it. So, it is advised to take medicine under the guidance of homeopathic physician. In case the symptoms are very severe or arising from some serious cause like stomach cancer, conventional mode of treatment is strictly advised.
Top Homeopathic Medicines For Stomach Burning
1. Arsenic Album – Top-Grade Medicine
It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for cases of stomach burning. Persons needing it have intense burning in the stomach which is sensitive to touch. The next attending symptom is a feeling of placing some heavy weight on the stomach. Another symptom that occurs is acid reflux (rising of stomach acid upward to food pipe). Vomiting may also occur; in case of inflamed stomach, there is vomiting of grass green fluids. Nausea is felt with inability to bear sight or smell of food. Arsenic Album is a very effective medicine for cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
2. Carbo Veg – When Stomach Burning Is Attended With Gas, Bloating
It is a very useful medicine for cases in which stomach burning is accompanied by gas and bloating. The burning sensation gets worse from eating. Cramps in stomach may also occur with desire to bend double (bending upper part of body forward and downward). Other than this, stomach feels full, and discomfort and pressure in stomach is felt after eating. Sour and putrid belching happens after eating or drinking. Heartburning is also felt. It is a very suitable medicine for cases of acid reflux (rising of stomach acid upward to food pipe).
3. Iris Versicolor – For Burning In Stomach And Diarrhoea
This medicine is prepared from plant commonly known as ‘blue flag’. It is very beneficial in persons feeling burning in stomach and diarrhea. The diarrhoea is watery which results in excessive weakness. There can be vomiting where food is vomited an hour or so after meals. There may also be vomiting of bitter, sour, acrid water. Sour and bitter burps can attend above symptoms, along with continuous nausea.
4. Nux Vomica – For Stomach Burning With Vomiting
This medicine works well in cases of burning stomach pain with vomiting. Person needing it vomits anything consumed even if it just plain water. The stomach feels distended and is sensitive to pressure. This condition is felt in the morning and also after meals. Stomach feels full which gets relieved by belching. The stomach feels heavy and gets worse from eating. There is loss of appetite. Constipation is also a very characteristic symptom with a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. The stool is passed multiple times but it is unsatisfactory with a never- get-done feeling. It is a well-indicated medicine for stomach problems arising from taking alcohol, coffee and spicy food.
5. Phosphorus – For Stomach Burning That Worsens From Eating
This medicine is well indicated for persons who have burning pain in stomach worse from eating. The burning is relieved by drinking cold water. There is loss of appetite as well. Burps with sour taste is a common complaint after every meal. Fullness and pain in stomach is also felt. Gurgling sounds are palpable in the pit of the stomach. The person also complains of regurgitation (rising of swallowed food upward to mouth) of food soon after eating. This medicine is well indicated for cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
6. Robinia – For Stomach Burning, Acidity, Heartburn
It is prepared from fresh bark of young twigs of a plant Robinia Pseudacacia, commonly known as ‘yellow locust’. Use of this medicine is considered when there is stomach burning, acidity and heartburn. The acidity gets worse at night on lying down, in such cases this medicine can be effective. There is regurgitation of acid and bitter substances. It is one of the best medicine for acid reflux. Along with above symptoms, there is distension of stomach, nausea is also felt. Sour belching and vomiting of sour fluid occurs. Lastly, there may be heaviness and dull ache in stomach.
7. Argentum Nitricum – For Stomach Burning And Ulcerating Pain
This medicine is well indicated for burning and ulcerating pain in stomach. Besides, there is gas and painful swelling of stomach. There are bitter vomits along with diarrhea. There may be a feeling of fullness in the stomach. It is a very effective medicine for stomach ulcers.
8. Colocynth – For Burning In Stomach And Cramps
It is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis/ cucumis colocynthis, commonly called ‘bitter apple’. It is a very effective medicine when there is burning pain in stomach and cramps. There is a feeling of fullness in stomach. The cramps get worse from eating or drinking. Relief occurs from bending double, lying down on the stomach and by pressing the stomach hard. There is griping pain in the stomach which gets worse after each meal. Lastly, the pit of stomach may be very sensitive to touch.
9. Lycopodium – For Stomach Burning, Fullness And Bloating
This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. It is prominently indicated for stomach burning and bloating. The burning sensation may extend up to the throat. With this, a pressure is felt in the stomach after eating. A feeling of the eaten food rising up may also attend. There is accumulation of gas in the stomach after eating even a little quantity of food. Fullness in stomach soon after eating is also marked.
10. Apis Mellifica – For Stomach Burning, Pricking, Soreness
This medicine is indicated when there is stomach burning along with pricking sensation and soreness. Fullness in the stomach is also felt, along with tenderness in the belly and vomiting. Distension (bloating and swelling) of stomach can also be there.
What Are The Causes Behind It?
The first reason behind it is indigestion (also known as dyspepsia, meaning an upset stomach) which is a general term to describe discomfort in the upper abdomen. It can cause stomach burning and other symptoms include feeling of fullness, gas, heartburn, bloating and nausea.
The second reason is acid reflux (GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease) in which backflow of stomach acid towards the food pipe occurs. It leads to symptoms including heartburn, stomach burning, sour taste in the back of mouth, problem in swallowing, gas and bloating.
The other cause may be gastritis, a condition in which there is inflammation in the lining of the stomach. The symptoms include burning sensation in stomach and nausea, vomiting, and stomach fullness after eating. Another main cause behind it is peptic ulcers (it refers to sores that appear in the inner lining of stomach and upper part of the small intestine). Its major symptom is a burning feeling in the stomach along with other symptoms like stomach fullness, bloating, heartburn, burping and nausea.
Other than this, stomach infections (mainly H. pylori infection) can lead to burning stomach pain. IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can also lead to stomach burning. It is a disorder affecting the large intestine with symptoms like abdomen cramping/ pain; diarrhea or constipation, or both; gas and bloating. It can also have an attending symptom of stomach burning.
Burning stomach pain can also occur from use of certain medicines (eg. aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen), smoking, alcohol consumption and food intolerance (for example intolerance to milk, dairy or gluten). Lastly, it can be a symptom of stomach cancer.
What Are The Symptoms?
It can be attended with symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, gas, feeling of fullness after eating, bloating, burping, weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, regurgitation (rising up of food or stomach acid up to the mouth).