Dryness in the nasal passage is medically known as rhinitis sicca. It can be uncomfortable yet harmless, and rarely serious. The inner membrane of the nasal passage secretes mucus daily. It lubricates the nasal cavity, moisturises the air so that it smoothly passes through the respiratory tract and traps dust, irritants and the germs that we may breathe in. If mucus production is not adequate or it dries up, it results in dry nose.
Homeopathic Management
Complaint of dry nose can be effectively managed with use of homeopathic medicines. These medicines help by working to treat the root cause, as a result nasal dryness gradually decreases. The attending signs and symptoms like nasal congestion, itching, burning in nose, redness, swelling and pain in nose, scabbing inside nose, recurrent sneezing also get managed with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe to use without any side effects. These medicines can be used in most cases of nasal dryness but in case of nasal dryness along with high fever, excessive difficulty in breathing, uncontrolled bleeding from nose, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is advised.
Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dry Nose
1. Sticta – Top-Grade Medicine
Sticta is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of dry nose. Persons needing it have excessive dryness and pain inside the nose. They may have nasal secretions that dry up quickly and forms scabs in nostrils. These are difficult to dislodge and cause nasal stuffiness. The nose feels obstructed; it gets worse at night which disturbs sleep. There is a feeling of stuffiness at the root of the nose. There can be excessive sneezing and loss of smell.
2. Kali Bichrome – For Nasal Dryness And Pain At Root Of Nose
It is a very effective medicine for cases having nasal dryness and pain at the root of nose. The nose feels constantly blocked. Swelling and burning sensation in the nose is felt. Its use is also indicated when the nose is filled with dry, hard crusts that can be blood-tinged. There can be discharge of ropy mucus from the posterior nares (post nasal discharge). Foul smell in nose may also be present along with the above symptoms.
3. Calcarea Carb – For Dry Nose At Night
This medicine is helpful for managing cases in which there is dryness in the nose at night. Nostrils may have soreness and ulceration. The root of the nose may be swollen. It is also useful when there is offensive yellow discharge from the nose. Frequent sneezing from itching/tingling in the nose can accompany these symptoms.
4. Sambucus – For Nose Dryness With Difficult Breathing Through Nose
It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh leaves and flowers of a plant Sambucus Nigra, commonly known as ‘elder’. It belongs to family caprifoliaceae. This is a prominent medicine for managing nose dryness with difficulty in breathing through the nose. In cases needing it, the nose is dry and obstructed. In some cases, nose is blocked with thick tenacious mucus. Sambucus is the most commonly indicated medicine for nasal dryness in babies.
5. Ammonium Carb – For Excessive Dryness Of Nose
It is a well-indicated medicine for cases in which nose is extremely dry. There is marked blocking of nostrils that forces a person to breathe from the mouth, especially at night. There can be swelling, pain and sensitivity in the nostrils. Sometimes, there is bleeding from nose in the morning.
6. Natrum Mur – For Nasal Dryness And Sneezing
This medicine works well in cases in which nasal dryness and sneezing are present. In some cases needing it, loss of smell and taste can be there. Scabs in the nose occur sometimes. There may be burning and soreness in the nose. It is also a suitable medicine for managing cases of alternate fluent and dry coryza.
7. Silicea – For Dryness In Nose With Crusts
It is a well-indicated medicine for cases having dryness of the nose with crust formation. The nose feels blocked from hardened mucus in it. There can be hard, dry masses of mucus in the nose in the morning with an offensive smell. Itching in the nose can attend it. It is also indicated for cases having alternate dry and fluent coryza. History of long-term coryza may be present in the cases needing it.
8. Graphites – For Dry Nose With Loss of smell
Graphites is an important medicine for managing cases in which there is dryness in the nose along with loss of smell. Dryness in nose may be sometimes painful. There can also be dry scabs in the nose. It is accompanied by soreness, cracks and ulcers in the nostrils. In some cases, there is discharge of thick yellowish offensive mucus from the nose.
9. Petroleum – For Dryness and Burning In Nostrils
It is an important medicine to manage dryness and burning sensation in the nostrils. The nostrils can be cracked and ulcerated too. Next, there can be swelling in the nose with pain at the root of the nose. There may occur scabs or discharge of mucus and pus from the nose.
10. Belladonna – For Dry Nose With Frontal Headache
This medicine is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. Use of this medicine is considered when there is dryness in the nose accompanied by frontal headache. Frequent sneezing may be present along with it. Swelling, redness and inflammation in the nose may be marked too. Pain may be felt on touching the nose. In cases needing it, dryness in the larynx, trachea may also be present along with dry nose.
What Are Causes Of Dry Nose?
1. Dry nose may simply be due to environmental factors like low humidity levels (from very hot or cold climates), excessive use of air conditioners or blowing the nose very frequently.
2. In other cases, it may also result from colds or nasal allergies and long-term nasal inflammation.
3. It may arise from use of certain medications(for example, antihistamines, antibiotics, prolonged use of nasal sprays, nasal decongestants).
4. Some women may get it from hormonal changes during menopause.
5. High blood pressure and dehydration may also result in a dry nose.
6. Tobacco smoking is another reason that can lead to dry nose.
7. In some cases, it can occur from some medical conditions. These conditions includes atrophic rhinitis and sjogren’s syndrome. Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that affects the mucous membranes and glands (that secrete moisture) of eyes and mouth which leads to decreased tears and salivation. The main symptoms of this syndrome are dry eyes and a dry mouth. Dryness in the nose and skin may be felt sometimes. Atrophic rhinitis refers to chronic inflammation in the interior of nose resulting in atrophy of nasal mucosa.
What Are The Other Signs And Symptoms?
Dry nose may be attended with other signs and symptoms depending on the underlying cause. These include nasal congestion, itching, burning sensation in nose, redness, swelling and pain, scabbing or crust formation inside the nose, bleeding from nose, change in smell or alteration in the smell, recurrent sneezing and breathing from the mouth. In case it is attended with high fever, nasal bleeding that doesn’t stop, weakness, extreme difficulty in breathing, urgent medical help should be taken.
What Are Its Complications?
Irritation in the nose and respiratory discomfort can lead to disturbed sleep. Dry nose increases chances of infection in the nose and rest of the respiratory tract (this is because dry nose makes it unable to trap the germs that can enter from nose due to lack of mucus production in nose). Constant dryness of nose may lead to nose bleeding. Other than this, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis and sinusitis may occur. Sore throat means irritation, scratching sensation or pain in the throat. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx (back of the throat). Laryngitis refers to inflammation of the larynx (voice box). Sinusitis means inflammation of the mucous membranes that lines the para nasal sinuses (air-filled spaces surrounding the nasal cavity).