Anxiety refers to a mental state of nervousness, fear and worry. Getting anxious once in a while on certain occasions is normal, like getting anxious before an examination or interview or during stressful events. The anxiety on such occasions is short-lived and temporary, but it becomes a problem when the reaction of the person is intense and disproportionate to what one usually expects. If episodes of such extreme anxiety appear frequently, they tend to interfere with the day to day life of a person and has an adverse impact on relationships.
Top Homeopathic Medicines For Anxiety
The top-ranking homeopathic medicines that treat anxiety effectively are Aconitum Napellus, Arsenic Album, Argentum Nitricum, Kali Phos and Gelsemium Sempervirens.
1. Aconitum Napellus – Top Remedy For Anxiety
It is the most frequently used medicine for managing anxiety. The key indications to use it are anxiety with marked fear, panic, shaking and restlessness. Those needing it move around and change sitting position frequently. With this a chain of bad thoughts sets in the mind, cold sweat can be present. Face appears hot and red or pale. One gets relief by drinking cold water. There may be sleeplessness from anxiety. It also tops the list of homeopathic medicines to deal with panic attacks when there is intense anxiety, heart palpitations and extreme fear of death. Numbness and tingling in fingers or limbs can be felt, sometimes fainting occurs.
When and How to use Aconite?
This medicine can be taken without any second thought in case of anxiety and panic attacks. It covers almost every aspect of anxiety from fear, restlessness, shaking, sweating, and palpitations to extreme panic attacks. Though it can be used in low or high potency, initially it is advised to take Aconite 30C two to three times a day. When there is some relief, lessen the dose. In acute panic attack, take one dose without wasting even a second to get prompt relief.
2. Arsenic Album – For Anxiety With Chest Constriction, Difficult Breathing And Restlessness
This medicine is highly recommended for cases where chest constriction, difficulty in breathing and restlessness are marked in the anxiety episode. There is restlessness, trembling and cold sweats. Worsening of anxiety at night is a characteristic feature to use this medicine. It is well indicated for persons who worry and get anxious about little things. They have marked anxiety regarding their health, future and anxiety about others. They have a specific fear that they will surely contract some disease or catch some infection. They may also have fear of death. Fear of financial loss and facing poverty is another thing that may persist in their mind. Any of these could be a triggering factor for anxiety.
When and How to use Arsenic Album?
This medicine proves best when anxiety is attended with chest constriction, difficult breathing and restlessness. Those having these complaints can take this medicine. The dose recommended here is Arsenic Album 30C once or twice a day depending on the intensity of the symptoms.
3. Argentum Nitricum – For Anxiety From Anticipation (Anticipatory Anxiety)
Argentum Nitricum is a natural medicine for anxiety that is linked to anticipation, also known as anticipatory anxiety. Anticipatory anxiety means anxiety due to constant thoughts about events that might take place in the future. For example, a person may get anxious about a public meeting or a family function to be attended in the future. The person tends to think constantly about the event until the final day comes. He/She keeps planning for that event and the mind is always preoccupied with various thoughts. Many thoughts randomly cross the mind like – will everything go smoothly? Will I reach there on time? What if I get late? What if my car stops on the way, what will I do then? And so on….. These thoughts continue till the person reaches his destination. Diarrhea may set in during the anxiety phase. Hurriedness, impatience, and weakness in the legs are other associated symptoms. Taking another example for use of this medicine is performance anxiety, say someone has to deliver a speech on the stage in a few days. The moment he/she gets to know about this responsibility, the anticipatory thoughts begin, like will I be able to deliver the lecture rightly? What if I go speechless? What if I make mistakes in my speech? What if I forgot my lecture in between? Such thoughts will preoccupy the mind till the date of stage appearance comes and the person e is actually on the stage. Once on stage, everything goes smoothly. Apart from these Argentum Nitricum is a prominent medicine for persons with specific fear of height and high-rise buildings. There is intense anxiety and fear as if the buildings will fall on them.
When and How to use Argentum Nitricum?
Just the word ‘anticipatory anxiety’ is enough to prescribe this medicine. Anxiety resulting from constant thoughts about events that will happen in the near future can use this medicine. This medicine can help calm the mind and control overthinking. It works well in both low and high potencies. Initially, it is best to take it in 30C potency two to three times a day.
4. Kali Phos – For Anxiety, Nervousness, Fear
Kali Phos is an important medicine for anxiety, nervousness and fear. Negative thinking and excessive sensitivity are the other symptoms. Those needing it suffer from certain fears. These include fear of crowds, open spaces, of being alone and fear of death. All these may set off an anxiety attack. Slight noises may also trigger anxiety, and the person may feel tired and fatigued all the time.
When and How to use Kali Phos?
This medicine can be used when anxieties and some fears are marked including fear of crowds, open spaces, of being alone, and fear of death. It is generally used in 6X potency. Kali Phos 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per the intensity of symptoms.
5. Gelsemium Sempervirens – For Anxiety About Public Appearance (Social Anxiety)
It is a natural medicine sourced from the bark of root of yellow jasmine plant. It is the foremost medicine for anxiety related to making a public appearance. If the individual has to go and engage with many different people, excessive anxiety and nervousness arise. Sadness, melancholy, and confusion of mind, irritability, and diarrhea are associated symptoms. This medicine also works for stage fright.
When and How to use Gelsemium?
Its use is suggested to manage anxiety in social gathering, public places, etc. It can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day.
Note Any of these medicines can be taken for about one month. To continue them further or for using higher potencies, kindly consult a homeopathic physician. Also do not use any of these medicines without consulting homeopathic expert, if anxiety is associated with some medical condition like a heart complaint, thyroid issue etc.
What are the causes?
The exact cause of anxiety in an individual is not yet understood. However, some factors including genetic and environmental, and certain medical disorders play a significant role in predisposing a person towards anxiety:
An individual with a positive family history of anxiety is at risk to suffer from the same
People who are prone to stress, or have had bad life experiences in the past (like domestic violence, bullying, child abuse) or emotional events like the death of a loved one are at risk to develop anxiety. The stress can be associated with relationships, friendships, financial instability and problems in the workplace.
Stress due to certain health conditions
Anxiety also tends to arise from abuse or as withdrawal symptoms of certain drugs and alcohol.
Certain medical disorders also predispose a person towards anxiety. These include thyroid issues, heart complaints, asthma, cancer, diabetes mellitus and brain degenerative disorders like Parkinson’s disease.
Symptoms of Anxiety
The signs and symptoms of anxiety include
1. Nervousness
2. Worry
3. Fear
4. Tension
5. Trembling
6. Restlessness
7. Palpitations
8. Panic
9. Sweating
10. Shortness of breath
11. Headache
12. Concentration difficulty
13. Dizziness
14. Chest pain
15. Trouble in sleeping
16. Frequent urination
17. Dry mouth, nausea, and diarrhea are other features of anxiety
Diagnosing Anxiety
Anxiety is a mental health complaint that is diagnosed on the basis of the symptoms provided by the patient. There are no tests to diagnose anxiety, but tests like thyroid function test and vitamin B12 are recommended to rule out other medical conditions that could be causing anxiety.
Types Of Anxiety Disorders
Various types of anxiety disorders are described below:
1. Generalized anxiety disorder: In this type, a person has intense worries, stress, tension about little things.
2. Social anxiety disorder: Also called social phobia, the sufferer is highly self – conscious and feels embarrassed in public/ social functions and gatherings. He/She has fear of being judged in social situations.
3. Panic disorder: It is characterized by sudden intense fear and terror that comes about without any warning. It results in palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath and heavy sweating.
4. Anxiety due to some medical condition: Person has anxiety and panic attacks due to some health problem he/she is suffering from.
5. Separation anxiety disorder: This refers to anxiety and fear when any of your loved ones leaves you. Negative thoughts come in mind as if something unfortunate would happen to them.
6. Substance-induced anxiety disorder: This refers to anxiety resulting from misuse of certain drugs, medications or withdrawal from drugs.
7. Selective mutism: Kids fail to speak in certain situations like in public but talk normally at home with family.
8. Specific phobias: Person afflicted with phobias have marked fear of specific things or situations like fear of flying, of appearing in public.
Does Homeopathy work for anxiety?
Yes, there are different remedies that effectively deal with anxiety. The homeopathic medicines for treating anxiety are made of natural substances, making them safe for use without any side effects.
Homeopathic remedies for anxiety work in a mild, gentle and effective manner to gradually reduce the physical and mental stress associated with anxiety.
They treat anxiety that may be mild to severe in intensity. The homeopathic physician tries to know the psychology of the person by talking to him/her to ensure complete recovery. Since homeopathic medicines are natural and not habit-forming, there is no risk of drug dependency. In cases of chronic anxiety of high intensity, homeopathy can help manage the symptoms. Homeopathy can also help treat panic attacks. The medicine Aconitum Napellus, for example, is a good example of a natural medicine for anxiety.
Stress due to certain health conditions
Anxiety also tends to arise from abuse or as withdrawal symptoms of certain drugs and alcohol.
Certain medical disorders also predispose a person towards anxiety. These include thyroid issues, heart complaints, asthma, cancer, diabetes mellitus and brain degenerative disorders like Parkinson’s disease.
Frequently Asked Questions
I get worried, stressed, anxious and tense very quickly and tend to get palpitations. Am I suffering from an anxiety disorder?
Getting worried, stressed, anxious and tense is a normal condition and every individual tends to experience it every once in a while. You are not suffering from an anxiety disorder if these symptoms last only for a brief period. However, if these symptoms occur too frequently with high intensity, last for a long time and tend to interfere with your everyday life, then there are chances that you have an anxiety disorder. A clear diagnosis can only be made with a clinical analysis and in-depth discussion of your symptoms.
How do I come to know if I have panic disorder?
Recurrent panic attacks are one of the most common indications of a panic disorder. Panic disorder can be suspected if you have sudden, frequent episodes of heightened fear, terror, along with palpitations, shortness of breath, pounding heart, dizziness, and sweating.
I am a male aged 30 years and get very anxious, self-conscious along with trembling and palpitations in social situations and tend to avoid them. Do I have social anxiety?
As per your symptoms of getting anxious and self-conscious along with trembling and palpitations in social situations and their avoidance, there are chances that you have developed a social anxiety disorder. You must get yourself analyzed by a psychologist who can confirm the diagnosis.
I am a female aged 25 years with a family history of anxiety. Will I also develop the same?
Having a positive family history of anxiety does put you at risk to develop the same, but it doesn’t mean that you will surely develop anxiety.
Can anxiety lead to any complications?
Yes, people with anxiety are at risk of some complications like isolation, disruption of relationships, suicidal attempts, and addiction to drugs and alcohol. Such people are also predisposed to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), heartburn, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and weight fluctuations.
Will I have to continue taking my anti-anxiety allopathic medicine if I start homeopathic medicines for my anxiety?
You will have to continue your anti-anxiety medications, but only during the initial months alongside the homeopathic treatment. It is not advisable to suddenly stop your anti-anxiety medicine because your body has become habitual to it, and stopping suddenly can cause withdrawal symptoms. Once you respond to homeopathic medicines, then you may gradually stop the anti-anxiety drugs and make a transition entirely to homeopathy.
For how long does a person with anxiety need to continue homeopathic treatment for complete recovery?
The recovery period in any case of anxiety varies from a few months to a year. However, most cases of anxiety start to respond at the beginning of the homeopathic treatment. Factors like duration and intensity of anxiety and an individual’s response to homeopathic medicines tend to affect the length of the treatment
If I start homeopathic medicines for anxiety, will I have to take it throughout my life?
No, you don’t need to take homeopathic medicines to treat anxiety for life as these medicines are not habit-forming. Once you get better to the point where you manage the symptoms yourself, you may gradually discontinue the medications.
Do conventional medicines for anxiety have side effects?
The most commonly prescribed medicines for anxiety are made of substances like benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These medications have shown side effects like low blood pressure, nausea, depression, lack of coordination, emotional dysfunction, memory loss, dizziness, weight loss and more. These drugs may also cause ‘paradoxical effects,’ where a person may suffer a worsening of the symptoms.
Lifestyle Tips to Manage Anxiety
Certain lifestyle measures that can help manage anxiety include:
1. Take a walk regularly
2. Do regular exercises
3. Ensure adequate sleep
4. Avoid alcohol
5. Quit smoking if you are habitual to it
6. Techniques like yoga and meditation to manage stress
7. Increase the intake of water, green vegetables, and fruits
8. Join an anxiety support group
9. Share your problems with family members or doctor and avoid isolation