Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid is a condition in which thyroid gland does not produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) required in the body. Thyroid is a two-lobed butterfly-shaped gland in the neck. It produces thyroid hormones which regulate body metabolism or simply put regulate how the body uses energy. When thyroid hormones are not produced in enough quantity, the body’s functions tend to slow down.
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Hypothyroidism
The top five medicines for treating hypothyroidism are Thyroidinum, Calcarea Carbonica, Natrum Mur, Sepia Officinalis and Graphites.
1. Thyroidinum – top-grade medicine for hypothyroidism
Thyroidinum is known to stimulate the functioning of thyroid gland. It is suitable for persons who have a puffy face and complain of weight gain. They get tired easily and want to lie down all the time. They are over-sensitive to cold and their hands and feet remain cold. Thyroidinum also addresses skin problems arising out of an underactive thyroid. Here, it especially helps persons with extremely dry skin. Irritability, weak memory, and tingling sensation are some of the other complaints that can be redressed with this medicine.
Key indicating features
1. puffy face, weight gain and tiredness all the time
2. skin problems due to underactive thyroid
Calcarea Carbonica
Calcarea Carbonica is the next most important medicine used very frequently in cases of hypothyroidism. Its use is highly recommended when there is excessive weight gain as a consequence of thyroid issues. Next, it is prominently recommended when there is increased sensitivity to cold. It also works well when there is marked weakness, which gets worse while walking or climbing upstairs. This medicine can also help in relieving constipation in hypothyroid patients – the peculiar feature needing it is that initially, stool is hard followed by soft stool.
This medicine proves to be very efficacious in women with hypothyroidism who suffer from very profuse menses that continue for a long duration and occur earlier than the expected date. Feet remain cold during menstrual periods.
Key indicating features
1. Excessive weight gain and increased sensitivity to cold
2. Constipation – first part of stool hard followed by normal stool
3 . Heavy, prolonged menses
3. Natrum Mur
It proves effective in managing certain specific complaints linked with hypothyroidism. Firstly, it manages depression. Those needing it have marked sadness and weep often. Secondly, it is a very good medicine for dealing with hair thinning and hair fall in persons suffering from hypothyroidism.
Thirdly, it can be given when there is frequent exhaustion. There is tiredness and a sleepy feeling all the time. Weakness is felt more in the morning while in bed. Its use can also be considered to manage numbness and tingling sensation in fingers. Hands and feet remain cold in cases needing it. Lastly, it works well in managing the dryness of skin.
Key indicating features
1. depression with weeping bouts, and persistent weakness
2. hair thinning and hair fall
4. Sepia Officinalis
The patients requiring this medicine are very weak, have a pale yellow face, and extremely sensitive to cold. They feel cold even in a warm room. This medicine can help in treating menstrual complaints in patients with hypothyroidism where menses are too early and are heavy. The patient feels as if the pelvic organs will come out through the vulva, therefore always sit cross-legged. The use of Sepia is also recommended for women with low libido (decreased sexual desire). The medicine is effective in treating constipation in hypothyroid patients. The patients requiring this medicine complain of very hard and difficult stool that is passed as small balls with excessive pain that continues for a long time after passing stool.
Key indicating features
1. extreme sensitivity to cold
2. menstrual problems, mainly early and heavy menses; low libido
5. Graphites
Graphites is mainly recommended for those patients with hypothyroidism who are very obese and over-sensitive to cold. It can also be administered to treat persistent constipation where the stool is hard and passes with great difficulty in lumps. There is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen due to gas. Persons requiring this medicine are very depressed, sad and start crying without any reason. Skin complaints, prominently dry rough skin, can be wonderfully managed with this medicine.
Key indicating features
1. obesity, oversensitivity to cold and dry rough skin
2. constipation
How to use these medicines?
The medicines to be taken from the above-mentioned list will vary from person to person after detailed study of case history and symptoms exhibited. These medicines can be used in different potencies. The potency and frequency of medicine varies from case to case as per the age, prominent symptoms, as well as thyroid hormone levels evaluated by a blood test. So it is advised to avoid self-prescription. Consider the use of any of these medicines after proper case evaluation from a homeopathic expert.
What are its signs and symptoms?
Symptoms may not be noticeable in the early stages of hypothyroidism. With the progression of the condition, symptoms start showing up. The early and most common signs and symptoms include weight gain (obesity), fatigue (tiredness), and increased sensitivity to cold. Other symptoms include muscle weakness, stiffness or swelling, muscle/joint pains, and constipation. Other indications include puffiness on the face, hands and feet. Thinning of hair, dry hair, and brittle fingernails may be noted. Slow heart rate and movements, elevated cholesterol levels, sleepiness, skin dryness, and decreased sweating may be present. In females, heavy menses is reported. Feeling depressed, impaired memory, decreased sexual interest, numbness and tingling sensation in hands, and low and hoarse voice are the other symptoms.
What causes Hypothyroidism?
Various causes can be attributed to hypothyroidism which are as follows:
1. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: It is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. It is an autoimmune disorder (infection-fighting cells of body begin to destroy the body’s own healthy tissues out of a misdirected response). Inflammation develops in immune cells which damages the thyroid gland by mistake and hampers its functioning. What triggers such a response is not clear, genetic factors seem to play a role in it. A person having a family history of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is at risk.
2.Thyroiditis: It refers to the inflammation of thyroid gland. It can result from an infection caused by a virus or bacteria; can be an autoimmune process or an after-effect of childbirth (postpartum thyroiditis).
3. Hyper response to hyperthyroidism treatment, Radiation therapy and Thyroid surgery: People who receive anti-thyroid medicines or radioactive iodine treatment (it destroys thyroid cells) for hyperthyroidism may go on developing hypothyroidism with decreased production of thyroid hormones over a period of time. The thyroid gland may also be affected in those who undergo radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer of the head or neck. It slows down the production of thyroid hormones, ending up in hypothyroidism. A person who has undergone surgical removal of thyroid for some reasons (like goiter, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, etc.) may also develop hypothyroidism.
4. Iodine deficiency and use of certain medications
Iodine is a mineral required for making thyroid hormones. If a person does not have enough iodine in the body, it can result in hypothyroidism. There are certain medications like lithium, interferon alpha and interleukin that can hinder thyroid hormone production.
5. Pituitary disorder
If pituitary gland is unable to produce TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) due to some reasons, like pituitary surgery, pituitary tumors, then hypothyroidism may result, though this cause is rare.
6. Congenital hypothyroidism
In this case, the functioning of thyroid gland is not proper right from birth. At birth, babies with congenital hypothyroidism appear normal, and later mental and physical growth gets hampered. New-borns can be screened for hypothyroidism as a preventive measure.
Homeopathic management of Hypothyroidism
Natural homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism are useful for people who want to avoid the side effects of allopathic drugs. These are highly effective in mild to moderate cases of hypothyroidism. The required medicine has to be selected from a wide range of medicines. The medicine to be taken will depend entirely on the symptoms described by the patient. Homeopathic medicine mainly targets improving the function of the thyroid gland, and giving symptomatic relief to the patient.
What are the risk factors?
Though anyone can develop hypothyroidism, certain factors increase the risk, like women above 60 years of age; a family history of thyroid disorders; autoimmune disorders (like type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome); history of thyroid surgery; treatment with anti-thyroid medicine or radioactive iodine; pregnancy.
Complications arising out of hypothyroidism
If left untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to the following complications:
1. mental health problems including depression, anxiety, slow mental functioning
2. goiter (enlargement of thyroid gland); trouble in breathing, and heart problems
3. pain, numbness and tingling sensation in different body parts due to damage to peripheral nerves; joint pains; carpal tunnel syndrome (syndrome caused by numbness, tingling, weakness in fingers due to compression of the median nerve)
4. infertility issues
5. myxoedema coma with symptoms of extreme intolerance to cold, drowsiness, weakness, lethargy, difficulty in breathing, and confusion that leads to unconsciousness. It is a medical emergency needing urgent treatment.
6. increased risk of preeclampsia (a dangerous condition characterized by very high blood pressure during pregnancy with retention of fluid and protein in urine), and anemia during pregnancy. Increased risk of birth defects and developmental problems in babies borne by women having untreated hypothyroidism.