Homeopathic medicine Fluoric Acid also called Hydrofluoric Acid is prepared from chemical fluoric acid (made by distilling calcium fluoride in fine powder state with sulphuric acid). Chemical fluoric acid is inactive in its crude form. After potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Fluoric Acid. It offers great help in managing hair loss, bone diseases and tooth complaints.
The ‘Fluoric Acid’ Constitution
This medicine suits well weak, thin people with pale skin. Other than this, it suits elderly people whose blood vessels have become weak and are dilated. This medicine is apt for alcoholics showing liver enlargement.
Drug Action
Fluoric acid has a marked affinity to treat hair complaints, bone diseases, skin issues and dental problems. Besides, it manifests its action on ears, eyes, throat and male genitals.
Clinical Indications
Hair fall, varicose veins, bone complaints, bone decay, exostosis, skin ulcers, scars, bedsores, keloids, varicocele, toothache, tooth decay, dental fistula, lachrymal fistula, sore throat, goitre and brittle nails.
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Hair fall
Fluoric Acid is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat cases of hair fall. It gives brilliant results in cases of general hair fall as well as hair loss in spots (alopecia areata). According to homeopathic therapeutics, this medicine can also be considered in cases of baldness. For cases where hair fall occurs after fever, Fluoric Acid is a leading medicine. Hair fall after typhoid fever is a specific feature for using this medicine. It is also of great service in cases of dry hair, and brittle hair too where hairs breaks off easily. The hair may also be dull and lacks shine. Hair also tend to tangle often.
Key Indicating Features
General hair fall
Alopecia areata means hair fall in spots
Hair fall after fever, typhoid fever
Dry, brittle, dull hair
2. Bones (Decay, Pain, Inflammation, Exostosis)
This medicine has an extensive action on bones where it helps to treat numerous complaints. Its use is highly recommended for managing cases of bone decay (necrosis). It mainly offers helps when decay of long bones or skull is involved. Fluoric Acid gives substantial relief in case of bone pain that typically worsen at night. It is attended with marked weakness. Use of this medicine is also preferred to manage bone swelling, inflammation and pus discharge from bones. Its action in treating cases of exostosis is well marked. Exostosis (also known as bone spurs) is the growth of new bone on the surface of the existing bone. This medicine helps to dissolve the new bone.
Key Indicating Features
Bone decay especially long bones and skull bones
Bone pain at night
Bone inflammation, swelling, pus discharge from bones
Exostosis, bone spurs
3. Varicose Veins And Varicose Ulcers
With its action on veins, it can effectively deal with cases of varicose veins which refers to swollen, enlarged, twisted, engorged veins overfilled with blood. Fluoric Acid mostly helps cases of varicose veins on legs. The varicose veins are attended with itching and burning pain. Presence of varicose ulcers is yet another striking feature to use this medicine. Burning pain predominates in varicose ulcers that gets worse from heat. Last, but an important indication, to use it are varicose veins in women that worsen after childbirth.
Key Indicating Features
Varicose veins on legs
Varicose veins with itching and burning pain
Varicose ulcers with burning pain
Varicose veins in women worsening following childbirth
4. Skin (Itching, Ulcers, Scars, Keloid, Bedsores) And Nails Complaints
Fluoric Acid has been successful in treating skin and nail issues. This medicine is of great value in treating skin itching that occurs in spots which gets worse from warmth. There is dryness of skin. Skin may be cracked too along with burning sensation. It is an important medicine to heal skin ulcers. It is indicated when skin ulcers have red margins and are painful. Fluid filled eruptions (vesicles) may surround the ulcers. Heat worsens the complaint and there is relief from washing with cold water. Another characteristic feature to use it is scars that itch. It is a principal remedy for old scars which become red at edges and begin to itch great deal. Vesicles may appear on or around the scar. Fluoric Acid is a chief medicine to treat keloid (extra scar tissue growth over a healed skin wound causing a hard, firm bump). This medicine also gives excellent results in cases of bedsores that worsen from warmth. For nails it works best for distorted, crumbling nails. Corrugated nails with lengthwise ridges is another peculiar feature for employing its use.
Key Indicating Features
Itching in spots worse from warmth
Ulcers with red edges and pain
Itchy scars and freshening of old scars with redness at edges and itching
Bedsores that are worse from warmth
Distorted, crumbled and corrugated nails with lengthwise ridges
5. Teeth (Toothache, Tooth Decay, Dental Fistula, Tooth Sensitivity)
It has marked action on teeth and jaws. It treatd toothache when it gets worse from cold drinks. This medicine is also used extensively for cases of rapid tooth decay. Tooth decay at roots mainly calls for this medicine use. It is a superb medicine for dental fistula where it works well when there is bloody and salty discharge. Weak, thin, deficient tooth enamel is also a noteworthy feature to use Fluoric Acid. Rest of the complaints that it can help with includes tooth sensitivity, delayed dentition and ailments from erupting wisdom teeth.
Key Indicating Features
Toothache worsening from cold drinks
Rapid tooth decay at roots
Dental fistula with bloody and salty discharge
Weak, thin, deficient tooth enamel
Ailments from erupting wisdom teeth
6. Ears (Itching, Noises In Ears, Otitis Externa)
Fluoric Acid can rectify many ear complaints. It is used to control ear itching. Persons needing it feel burning in ear after scratching, though scratching eases itching temporarily. It also helps to manage noises in ear (tinnitus) mainly of ringing type. Next it can be given for cases of otitis externa (inflammation of the external ear canal) with excessive ear discharge.
Key Indicating Features
Ear itching
Otitis externa with copious ear discharge
7. Eyes (Lachrymal Fistula, Sand In Eye Sensation)
This medicine has shown clinical improvements in lachrymal fistula. Secondly it is useful to alleviate sensation of sand-like particle in eyes. It helps in managing itching in inner canthi, excessive eye watering and burning sensation in eyes.
Key Indicating Features
Lachrymal fistula
Sand like sensation in eyes
8. Throat (Sore Throat, Goitre)
This medicine is mainly recommended for sore throat. The throat is markedly red and swollen. There is pain in the throat while swallowing and talking. Throat feels constricted, offensive breath attends above features. There is sensitivity of throat to cold air, even a little exposure to cold air leads to throat inflammation. Other than this, it is an important medicine for goitre (swelling in the front of neck from an enlarged thyroid gland) cases.
Key Indicating Features
Sore throat with pain when swallowing
Throat inflammation from slightest cold exposure
9. Male Problems (Varicocele, Hydrocele, Increased Sexual Desire, Gonorrhoea)
It is a valuable medicine to manage certain male problems. It is highly suitable for cases of varicocele (enlarged, dilated, swollen veins in scrotum). This medicine is also well indicated for managing excessive sexual desire in men. Violent erections may take place in the night. Gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoea) is the next remarkable indication for using it. Here urethral discharge occurs at night that stains linen yellow. Lastly it is used for hydrocele cases. Hydrocele refers to swollen scrotum resulting from collection of fluid in the sheath present around testicle.
Key Indicating Features
Varicocele and hydrocele
Gonorrhoea with urethral discharge at night leaving yellow stains
Increased sexual desire with violent erections all night
Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from warmth, heat of room, rest, drinking coffee or alcohol, eating sour food.
Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air, from walking and from cold bathing
Depending from case to case the potency of Fluoric Acid varies from low to high. One should be careful to not repeat its high potency frequently while in low potency it can be taken frequently.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Silicea
Followed well by Graphites, Sulphur and Nitric Acid