A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury affecting brain function temporarily. Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) refers to a set of symptoms that continue to linger on for weeks, months or more even years after a concussion. The brain injury may occur from a blow, bump, jolt or a fall on the head. It may also occur from violent shaking of the head and the upper body. The reason may be an accident, a violent assault, blow on the head from playing certain sports like boxing, etc. In case of concussion, a person may or may not lose consciousness.
Homeopathic Management Of Its Symptoms
Homeopathy can effectively manage the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome (PCS). The medicines used in homeopathy for treating PCS are very safe and gentle without any side effects and can be used by persons of any age group. These medicines have a great effect on healing the injury even if it has been inflicted a long time ago, along with symptom management. These medicines can effectively manage its symptoms including headache, vertigo, tiredness, sleeplessness, concentration problems, memory issues, anxiety, irritability and depression. The most suitable medicine for a case of PCS needs to be selected individually based on the symptoms. So, it is advised to take homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic physician who can after detailed case analysis recommend the best medicine.
Homeopathic Medicines For Symptom Management
1. Arnica – Top Grade Medicine
It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing symptoms that arise from concussion. It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana commonly called ‘leopard’s bane’ or ‘fallkraut’. It belongs to family Compositae. It is a first aid medicine for treating different types of injuries, including concussion, and to manage after-effects of injuries that have occurred in the past. Firstly, Arnica is very effective in managing a headache after concussion. Secondly, it offers help for relieving vertigo in these cases. Lastly, it is useful in managing depression in cases of head injury. Persons needing it feel pessimistic and indifferent.
2. Natrum Sulph – For Managing Headache And Depression
This medicine is very beneficial for managing headache following concussion. In most cases needing it, pain is felt at the base of the brain, sometimes at the back of the neck also. Besides, it also manages depression following a head injury. In such cases, symptoms include sadness, weeping, aversion to speaking and irritability.
3. Hypericum – To Manage Headache
This natural medicine is prepared from a plant named Hypericum Perforatum commonly called St John’s Wort. This plant belongs to family Hypericaceae. This medicine is of great help in managing headache in cases of concussion. The pain is usually located on the top of the head (means vertex). Pain may be pulsating or dull type. Heat and burning on the top of head accompany the pain. Soreness of the eyes may attend headache in some cases.
4. Cicuta – For Managing Vertigo, Sadness
It is prepared from fresh roots (gathered at the time of flowering) of plant Cicuta Virosa commonly known as ‘water hemlock’. It belongs to family Umbelliferae. Use of this medicine is considered for cases having vertigo. People who need it have vertigo mostly while getting up from bed or stooping. They feel as if everything is moving from side to side during vertigo attack. They may stagger and tend to fall. This medicine also manages depression in these cases, indifference may attend sadness.
5. Kali Phos – For Sleeplessness, Tiredness, Memory Issues
This medicine is highly valuable for managing sleeplessness. Secondly, it is very effective to manage tiredness and memory issues. Persons who require it may also have sadness, gloominess, dullness of mind, depression and forebodings (a feeling that something bad is going to happen soon).
6. Conium – To Manage Vertigo
It is a well indicated medicine for managing complaint of vertigo. In cases requiring it, vertigo is worse when turning head towards sides. It also increases when turning in the bed. In some cases, worsening of vertigo can also occur on rising from a seat, while lying down or from shaking head.
7. Gelsemium – For Managing Weakness And Concentration Problems
Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as ‘yellow jasmine’. This plant belongs to family Loganiaceae. It is an important medicine that is helpful in managing weakness and concentration problems. People needing it feel weak and tired, and want to lie down all the time. They have marked dullness and drowsiness. They are unable to concentrate and focus attention on anything. If they try to concentrate, they feel as if their brain is not functioning. A person is not able to think, when he/she tries do any mental exertion. Other than this, they may feel depressed, confused, and have anxiety issues also.
8. Aconite – For Managing Anxiety
Highly recommended for managing anxiety, it is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as ‘monkshood’. This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. Persons who need it have anxiety attacks and marked restlessness. They change their position frequently and do everything hurriedly. It is also indicated for managing panic attacks with palpitations and trembling of the body.
9. Natrum Mur – To Manage Depression
Persons needing this medicine are sad and want to weep all the time. They are sensitive and hate to be consoled. Along with this, they have loss of interest in doing any kind of work. Lastly they have spells of irritability and also may have anxiety.
10. Phosphoric Acid – To Manage Weakness, Depression
It is another well-indicated medicine for managing weakness. Other than this, it can also manage depression. Sadness, disposition to weep and indifference to everything in life is felt. Lastly, it is helpful for managing memory issues in such cases.
11. Belladonna – For Managing Throbbing Headache
It is a significant medicine for managing throbbing type of headache. This medicine is prepared from plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. Persons who need it have marked pain in the sides of head (the temporal region). Heat and congestion are felt in the head. Applying pressure on the head may relieve pain.
12. Chininum Sulph – To Manage Noises In Ear
One may find this medicine very useful for managing noises in the ear. For using this medicine, the noises may be ringing, roaring or buzzing in nature. In some cases, vertigo may attend it.
What Are The Causes?
Not all people having concussion develop post-concussion syndrome. Why some develop it and some don’t is not clear yet.
However, there are some theories that are associated with it to explain the reason for it. Firstly, it is believed that PCS is due to some structural damage to the brain or damage to the nerve cells in the brain from injury. Another theory is that there is a high probability of PCS in persons who have a concussion or are already suffering from it or have a history of some pre-existing psychiatric condition, like depression, anxiety disorder and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest in everything, attended with depressing feelings that continue for weeks together and interfere in everyday activities and affects one’s personal and professional life. Anxiety disorder refers to repeated episodes of intense anxiety, worry, fear or terror and may result in a panic attack within minutes. PTSD is a mental health condition that may occur in persons who have experienced a terrifying event in life for example a serious accident, a natural disaster, childhood abuse, sexual violence.
Though anyone who has recently suffered a concussion can develop PCS, but the chances are high if a person is above the age of 40 yrs.
Women are diagnosed more often with this syndrome than men.
What Are Its Symptoms?
Its symptoms include headache, dizziness, vertigo, tiredness, sleeplessness, concentration problem, memory issues, anxiety, irritability, depression, restlessness, sensitivity to light and noise, double/ blurred vision and ringing in the ears. The post-concussive symptoms may occur in any person irrespective of the severity of the initial injury. The symptoms mostly begin within the initial 7 – 10 days of injury. PCS is diagnosed when the duration of symptoms of concussion exceeds three months following the injury. At least three of the above symptoms, need to be present for diagnosing this syndrome.