Homeopathic medicine Sanguinaria Canadensis is derived from the plant ‘blood root’ and ‘puccoon’. This plant belongs to family Papaveraceae. The fresh roots of this plant are potentized as per a homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. After going through this process called potentization, it becomes a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Sanguinaria Canadensis. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing headache, particularly on the right side.
The ‘Sanguinaria Canadensis’ Constitution
It is an effective medicine for persons having a tendency to suffer from right-side headache. Secondly, it is also recommended for persons who suffer from joint pains, especially shoulder joint. Besides, it is recommended for those having respiratory issues.
Drug Action
The most important action of this medicine is noted on the head to treat headache and migraine. It acts magnificently on joints and mucus membrane of the respiratory tract. The other parts of the body where it acts are face and nose. In general, action of this remedy is on the right side of the body.
Clinical Indications
Headaches, migraine, asthma, arthritis, cold, cough, nerve pain (neuralgia), pneumonia, nasal polyps
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Head (Headache)
Sanguinaria Canadensis is recommended mostly to treat headache. It is specifically indicated for managing right-sided headache. The most characteristic symptom for using it is pain starting from the back of the head (occiput) that ascends up and settles over the right eye. The eyes may become red and sore. Applying pressure on the eyes with hands brings relief. Pain in the head occurs periodically (at fixed regular intervals), the person feels as if the head would burst or the eyes would pop out. Pain is lancinating or throbbing in nature. Pain tends to increase and decrease with the rising and setting sun. Sleep helps to alleviate the pain. Headache is attended with nausea and vomiting and there is relief by vomiting. Some may find relief by walking in the open air. Another unique feature for recommending this medicine is headache gets better if copious urine (in large quantity) is passed. This medicine can be given for headache with pain in the right temple area which gets worse from movement and shaking. It is also a suitable medicine for managing headache that occurs during menopause.
Key Indicating Features
Pain starting in the back of the head (occiput), ascending up and settling over the right eye
Headache increases and decreases with rising and setting sun
Headache better from sleep
Headache better after copious urination
2. Limbs (Joint Pain, Panaritium And Ingrowing Toe Nails)
Its main action is seen on the joints mainly on the shoulder joint. It is the best medicine to treat right-sided shoulder pain. In most cases needing it, pain gets worse at night and from turning in bed. A person is unable to raise his/her arm. Sanguinaria Canadensis is a leading medicine for helping cases of deltoid muscle pain (overuse injuries and strains). It is used when deltoid pain gets worse from raising or turning the arm. The pain also increases by lifting up something. The pain is cutting type accompanied by stiffness. Other than the shoulder, its use can also be considered for managing left-sided hip joint pain and sharp pain in the right ankle. Besides, it is helpful for managing burning sensation in the palms and soles which is prominent at night. Another indication to use it is Panaritium (inflammation of tissue near fingernail). Lastly, this medicine can be used for cases of ingrowing toe nails when there is pus formation.
Key Indicating Features
Right-sided shoulder pain which gets worse at night
Deltoid muscle pain worse from raising or turning the arm and from lifting
3. Face (nerve pain)
Sanguinaria Canadensis proves to be effective in managing nerve pain (neuralgia) in the face. The important symptom guiding its use is pain starting in the upper jaw radiating to nose, eyes, ears, side of head and neck. There is shooting pain, with the angle of the jaw being tender. There is marked circumscribed redness and burning sensation on the cheeks. This medicine also proves beneficial for stitching type of pain in left side of the head.
Key Indicating Features
Nerve pain starting in the upper jaw radiating to nose, eyes, ears, side of head and neck
Stitching pain on left side face
4. Nasal Problems (Cold, Polyps, Ozaena)
It can handle well cases of cold, nasal polyps, smell disorders and ozaena (reduction in size or shrinkage of nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone due to long-term inflammation), . It give good results in case of cold when accompanied by dull heavy pain at the root of the nose. Stinging sensation may be felt in the nose. There is watery nasal discharge and sneezing. The discharge cause soreness in nose and lips. Nasal blockade alternates with watery discharge. Copious watering from eyes that are sore (painful to touch) is another indication to use this medicine. There is irritation and soreness in throat along with cough. it acts wonderfully to treat cases of nasal polyps. Nasal polyps are soft, non-cancerous, painless growths that develop on the lining of nasal passage or paranasal sinuses. Sanguinaria Canadensis is very effective for treating loss of smell as well as perverted sense of smell. A peculiar smell in the nose like that of a roasted onion may persist. For ozaena, it can be given when there is yellow offensive nasal discharge.
Key Indicating Features
Cold accompanied with dull heavy pain at root of nose
Watery nasal discharge causing soreness in nose and lips along with sneezing
Loss of smell as well as perverted sense of smell
Ozaena with yellow offensive nasal discharge
5. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Asthma, Pneumonia)
This medicine has an important action on the mucus membrane of respiratory tract which solves various respiratory concerns. It is useful for managing cough. Cough related to gastric issues is the most prominent symptom for its use. Cough gets better by burping. There is burning sensation in the chest along with cough. There may occur expectoration of rust-coloured, pus-like, offensive smelling sputum. Wheezing and whistling in chest can occur along with cough. Sanguinaria Canadensis can be administered to children suffering from dry, exhaustive cough, which gets worse at night and on lying down. In cases of asthma, this medicine is useful when there is difficult breathing which worsens from strong odors. The chest feels constricted. In cases of pneumonia, it is recommended when there are breathing issues and rust-colored expectoration. Besides, there is circumscribed redness and burning heat on cheeks.
Key Indicating Features
Cough related to gastric issues better by burping
Cough with rust-colored, pus-like expectoration; offensive-smelling sputum
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from movement, touch, raising arms, light, odors and during menopause
Relieving factors: Complaints get better in cool air, from passing gas, from sleep, and sour things
Depending on the case, it can be used from low to high potencies. In general, it can be repeated often in low potencies. Frequent repetition is usually not advised when using high potency.
Relationship with Other Remedies
It can be compared with other remedies including Belladonna, Iris Versicolor, and Melilotus
It antidotes: Opium