The remedy Mercurius Corrosivus is derived from mercuric chloride, also called corrosive sublimate. When mercuric chloride undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Mercurius Corrosivus. This medicine is prominently used to manage cases of cystitis, urethritis, tenesmus and dysentery.
Drug Action
Mercurius Corrosivus has its most important action on urinary system and gastric system. It manifests its action on eyes, throat, male and female genitals.
Clinical Indications
Cystitis, urethritis, bladder disorders, kidney disorders, nephritis, tenesmus, dysentery, diarrhea, intestinal ulcers, eye disorders, photophobia, corneal ulcers, iritis, conjunctivitis, sore throat, swollen tonsils, elongated uvula, post nasal drip, balanitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, chancre, vaginitis, leucorrhoea, cracked nipples
Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy
1. Urinary complaints (Cystitis, Urethritis, Vesical Tenesmus)
Mercurius Corrosivus stands out to be a prominent medicine to manage cases of urinary tract infection. It is highly recommended to manage cystitis (bladder inflammation) and urethritis (inflammation of urethra). The top most indication for its use is vesical tenesmus. It refers to a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination with urge to urinate frequently despite there being no urine left in the bladder after urinating. Burning and painful urination are also present. A stabbing pain in urethra going into the bladder may occur too. In some cases, mucus and blood may appear during or after urinating. It can be used when there is frequent urination. The urine is hot, burning and scanty. Urine passes drop by drop with pain. Dribbling of urine may occur that is worse when sitting. Urine may contain brick dust sediments as well.
Key Indicating Features
Cystitis with marked vesical tenesmus and burning and painful urination
Mucus and blood discharge during or after urinating
Frequent urination with hot, burning, scanty urine
2. Gastric Problems (Dysentery, Tenesmus, Diarrhoea, Stomach Pain And Vomiting)
Mercurius Corrosivus has a superb action on gastric system. Among these, the leading action is seen on the rectum. It is of great value in managing cases of dysentery (an intestinal infection causing loose stool with blood and mucus). In cases needing it, there is blood and mucus in stool. A most important notable symptom attending it is tenesmus. It refers to a persistent feeling to pass stool even after passing stool and when the bowels are already empty. Tenesmus is very extreme with constant urge to pass stool and never-get-done feeling. The stool is scanty, hot and slimy with blood and shreds of mucus membrane. The stool is yellowish-green and has an offensive smell. It is attended with cutting and colicky pain. Burning in rectum and anus is also felt while passing stool.
In some cases, only bloody water passes through the anus. It proves beneficial for diarrhea (loose motion) cases as well. It can be given when there is loose stool with mucus and undigested food and abdomen pain. Anus prolapse may accompany it. With its action on stomach, Mercurius Corrosivus gives substantial relief in cases of stomach pain. The pain in stomach can be darting, burning, and gnawing type. Cramping may also be felt in stomach that gets worse from the slightest touch. Stomach is very sensitive to touch. The stomach is sore and distended. The abdomen is bloated and painful to least touch. It can offer relief in cases of vomiting. The vomiting is green-colored. It contains thick, sticky mucus with blood.
Key Indicating Features
Dysentery with blood and mucus in stool and extreme tenesmus
Scanty, hot, offensive, yellow green, slimy stool with blood and shreds of mucus membrane
Loose stool with mucus and undigested food and abdomen pain
Vomiting of green colour or that contains thick, sticky mucus with blood
3. Eye Complaints (Eye Pain, Photophobia, Corneal Ulcers, Iritis, Conjunctivitis)
It has magnificent action on the eyes. It can allay burning, soreness and eye pain. It can be used when pain is shooting, tearing or burning in nature. Pain is most intense at night. It can be given in cases of photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) and excessive acrid (that cause irritation, burning) eye watering. Its use is also recommended for managing cases of ulcers on cornea. The ulcers are red with itching and burning sensation. Its use is also suggested for management of iritis (inflammation of colored ring around the eye’s pupil i.e. iris). Here, Mercurius Corrosivus offers help when there is burning in eyes and pain over eyes which reaches the head. Further, it can take care of conjunctivitis. The conjunctiva is inflamed, with itching in eyes in evening and sensitivity to bright light.
Key Indicting Features
Tearing or burning pain in eyes, pain worse at night
Photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) and excessive acrid eye watering
Corneal ulcers that are red with itching and burning sensation
Iritis with burning in eyes and pain over eyes and through them to head
4. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Swollen Tonsils, Elongated Uvula, PND)
Mercurius Corrosivus can also settle certain throat issues quite effectively. Firstly, it is a highly suitable medicine for cases of sore throat. Those needing it have dark red, swollen throat attended with burning and pain. Additionally, pricking in throat as from needles is felt. The sore throat gets worse from heat. Swelling of tonsils is also noted. Ulcer formation may occur on tonsils. Next it can help when the uvula is swollen, red and elongated. Apart from these, it gives immense relief in complaint of PND (post nasal drip) in which mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. It is accompanied with sharp pain in the ears.
Key Indicating Features
Sore throat with dark red, swollen throat along with burning pain, worse from heat
Swollen tonsils with ulcers
Post nasal drip attended with sharp pain in the ears
5. Male Problems (Balanitis, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Urethritis, Chancre)
This medicine is suitable to deal with various male problems. This medicine is known to be helpful in treating balanitis (inflammation of the glans, head of the penis). Here its use is preferred when there are numerous excoriated places on glans along with greasy offensive-smelling discharge. Mercurius Corrosivus is useful in treating gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). It works well in gonorrhoea cases with thick green-colored urethral discharge. The discharge is worse at night. Along with urethritis (inflammation of urethra) there is redness and swelling of orifice of urethra. The glans is sore, painful with heat. There is burning sensation while urinating. There is itching, burning, stinging and throbbing in urethra. Besides these, its use can be done in managing cases of syphilis with formation of chancre (an ulcer on genital that forms in primary stage of syphilis) on inner surface of prepuce (foreskin). Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum. In cases needing it, the margins of chancre become dark red with pain and bleeding. Thin pus may get discharged from the chancre.
Key Indicating Features
Balanitis with numerous excoriated spots on glans along with greasy offensive smelling discharge
Gonorrhoea with thick green discharge that occurs from urethra, worse at night
Urethritis with redness, swelling of urethral orifice and burning, smarting when urinating
Chancre on inner surface of prepuce with dark red margins, pain, bleeding and thin pus discharge
6. Female Problems (Vaginitis, Leucorrhoea, Cracked Nipples)
Lastly, it can be used in the management of some health problems in females. Here it is primarily helpful in managing vaginitis (inflammation of vagina). In such cases, it can be given when there occurs pale yellow vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The discharge may be tinged with blood. In some cases, there is mucus discharge as thin as water. It offers help in cases of early and heavy menses. It can be of great service in cases of cracked nipples with bleeding. Pain is felt in nipples while breastfeeding the child.
Key Indicating Features
Vaginitis with pale yellow vaginal discharge that may be blood tinged
Cracked nipples with bleeding and pain when breastfeeding the child
Worsening factors: complaints are worse after stool and urination, from motion, at night, from cold and open air
Relieving factors: complaints are relieved at rest
This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. In low potencies, it can repeated frequently but in high potency frequent repetition should be avoided.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Silicea