The remedy Antimonium Tartaricum is derived from tartar emetic (tartrate of antimony and potash). Tartar emetic is inert in its crude form. When tartar emetic undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Antimonium Tartaricum. It is a magnificent medicine in homeopathy to treat certain respiratory problems where loose rattling cough is the key indicating feature to use it.
The ‘Antimonium Tartaricum’ Constitution
This medicine suits people who suffer from respiratory problems. Among all age groups, it is most suitable to children and elderly people. Lastly, it is well suited to persons who are addicted to alcohol and hence suffer from gastric complaints (mainly loose stool).
Drug Action
The most prominent action of this medicine is noted on the respiratory system and is a highly reputed medicine in homeopathy to primarily treat cases of loose rattling cough. Other than this, it acts well on the face, back, gastric system and skin. Its use is noteworthy in treating certain sleep issues.
Clinical Indications
Cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, drowsiness, cholera, colic, eruptions, gastric disorders, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, back pain and chickenpox.
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Emphysema)
This medicine is mostly indicated to treat various concerns related to respiratory system. It has a vast and magnificent action on respiratory system. First of all, it is well-indicated to treat cough. It works best when cough is specifically loose rattling type. In such type of cough, it is often considered as a first line of treatment in homeopathy. There is excessive rattling of mucus in chest and the lungs feel full of mucus with little expectoration where Antimonium is indicated. Cough may result in vomiting in some cases. Vomit may contain thin or tough slimy matter. Cough tends to get worse after eating. It is also worse after midnight. Sitting in an upright position, and expectoration helps to relieve cough. It also gives good results in cough cases that are worse in damp cold weather.
It can be used in children having loose, rattling cough with excessive accumulation of mucus in bronchial tubes. The cough occurs day and night and can be attended with difficulty in breathing. The child tends to bend backward during coughing. In them, cough gets worse after eating or drinking. Antimonium Tart is the topmost homeopathic medicine for managing cases of bronchitis. Bronchitis refers to inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. In bronchitis, though it works well in people of all age groups, it is most prominently indicated for bronchitis in infants and elderly people. There is excessive mucus production and bronchial tubes feel overloaded with mucus. Next it is a prominently indicated medicine for emphysema (a lung condition in which air sacs get damaged that mainly causes shortness of breath). Its gives excellent results in emphysema occurring in elderly people. Another complaint for which it is well indicated is pneumonia (inflammation and infection of air sacs of lungs). Here it is indicated when cough is rattling with tough foamy white frothy expectoration tinged with blood. It is gluey and sticky. Difficulty in breathing and suffocation attends it. Cough is accompanied with vomiting. Chest pain on coughing also occurs.
Key Indicating Features
Loose rattling cough, lungs feel full of mucus but only little gets expectorated
Bronchitis in infants and old people
Emphysema in elderly
Pneumonia with rattling cough, chest pain, tough, sticky, foamy white frothy expectoration tinged with blood
Cough in damp, cold weather
2. Face (Trembling, Pain, Burning, Pustules)
Next it acts well on the face. The main complaint where it is found to be effective is trembling or shaking of chin and lower jaw. It can be used to manage burning heated sensation in the face. Another indication for its use is tearing pain on one side of face, that may radiate to head and neck on the same side. Lastly, it can be given for cases of pustules (pus-filled eruptions) on face when they leave bluish – red scars.
Key Indicating Features
Trembling or shaking of chin and lower jaw
Pustules leaving blue red scars
3. Back (Back Pain)
It manages back pain very well, especially, when it is felt while sitting. Burning sensation can be felt in the back. It is also helpful in managing severe pain in the lower back. A peculiar indication for its use is sensation as if a heavy load is hanging on the end of tail bone (coccyx).
Key Indicating Features
Back pain while sitting
Feeling of a heavy load on the end of the tail bone
4. Gastric Problems (Abdomen Pain, Burping, Vomiting, Loose Stool, Cholera)
It acts well on the gastric system and manages well the abdomen pain when particularly accompanied with drowsiness. The pain is sharp and felt before passing the stool. Sometimes there is pain around the navel area with relief after passing the stool. Burning may be felt in the abdomen as well. Gas and rumbling in the abdomen may occur too. It can be administered in cases if there is heavy burping with bitter, salty or acidic burps. Sometimes, burps smell like eggs. Fullness, cramping in stomach may also be felt along with the above symptoms. Next, it is useful in cases of nausea and vomiting. It is indicated when vomiting is a result of ingestion of sour, and bitter food.
After vomiting, a person feels weak and sleepy. A very characteristic symptom is relief in vomiting from lying on the right side. This medicine is used for some of the rectal problems also. It is usually indicated for loose stool that occurs in case of eruptive fever in which eruptions occur with fever. Stool is yellowish brown, watery, slimy and may contain blood. Stool has an offensive odour, and is accompanied by passing of gas. After passing stool, burning is felt at the tip of the anus. Besides the above-mentioned, it is well indicated for cholera (an infection of the small intestine caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae) cases when there is excessive vomiting along with coldness.
Key Indicating Features
Abdomen pain accompanied by drowsiness
Burps that are bitter, salty, acidic or smell like bad eggs
Vomiting followed by weakness and sleep
Cholera with copious vomiting and coldness
5. Skin Complaints (Pustules, Vesicles, Itching, Chicken Pox)
For skin complaints its use is recommended for pustular (pus filled) eruptions on skin that leaves bluish red scars. These eruptions may be covered with brown crusts. These are painful too. Next, it can help when there occurs vesicular (fluid filled) eruptions on the entire body. Persons having itching and biting sensation over the whole body in the evenings can be greatly benefited with its use. Another use of it is noted in chicken pox (viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus) cases.
Key Indicating Features
Pustular eruptions on skin leaving bluish red scars
Itching biting on skin in evening
6. Sleep Issues (Sleepiness, Trembling In Sleep, Restless Sleep)
Lastly, it works wonderfully well in managing some of the concerns related to sleep. The classic symptom to use it is excessive drowsiness with any type of complaints indicative of this medicine. The person who requires it has irresistible desire to sleep. Yawning occurs with this, next important symptom guiding its use is trembling and jerking during sleep. Next, this medicine is used if someone suffers from restlessness during sleep accompanied by tossing and turning. In the next morning, there occurs pressure feeling on the forehead and back of the head and dizziness.
Key Indicating Features
Intense drowsiness with any complaint indicative of this medicine
Trembling and jerking during sleep
Restless sleep with tossing about
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from heat, warm weather, and dampness, also from anger, if staying in warm rooms and from sitting down.
Relieving factors: There is relief in complaints by sitting erect, while in cold open air, lying on right side, from vomiting and from motion.
This medicine works equally well in both low and high potencies. In low potency, it can be repeated frequently but in high potency its frequent repetition should be avoided.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Asafoetida, China, Cocculus Indicus, Ipecac, Laurocerasus, Opium, Pulsatilla and Sepia
It antidotes: Baryta Carb, Bryonia, Camphor, Pulsatilla and Sepia
Followed well by: Carbo Veg, Cina, Camphor, Ipecac, Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Terebinthina