Homeopathic medicine Guaiacum Officinale, also known as Guajacum Officinale, is derived from gum resin of a tree known as Lignum sanctum or Lignum Vite. It is a large tree growing in West Indies. It belongs to family Zygophyllaceae. The gum resin of this plant undergoes potentization to get converted into a very beneficial homeopathic medicine Guaiacum Officinale. Potentization refers to a process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance. Guaiacum Officinale is a very effective medicine for managing pain and stiffness in neck, backache and joint pains.
The ‘Guaiacum Officinale’ Constitution
This medicine suits people who are predisposed to joint inflammation or suffer from it.
Drug Action
It prominently acts well on the joints, bones, muscles, neck, back, mucus membranes and fibrous tissue. Besides, its action is noted on head, lungs, throat and gastric system.
Clinical Indications
Neck pain, neck stiffness, joint inflammation, gout, growing pains, bone pain, cough, pleurisy, throat disorders, tonsillitis, stomach disorders, diarrhea, constipation, inguinal hernia
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Neck And Back (Pain And Stiffness)
The main sphere of action of this medicine is noted on neck and back. It acts wonderfully on neck and back and gives magnificent results in various complaints related to it. First of all, it proves to be highly effective in cases of pain and stiffness in the neck. The shoulders are sore. If stiffness of neck occurs from exposure to cold, then this medicine can be of great help. A characteristic feature that can be present is stiffness on one side of the neck especially the left side radiating to the lower back, it gets worse from movement, and better from rest. Another peculiar indication for its use is pain of contractive type or stitching type between the scapulae (triangular bone in the upper back one on either side). This medicine also works well when there is pain and stiffness on one side of the back. Pain is tearing or shooting in nature. Lastly, it is indicated when there is pain from head to the neck.
Key Indicating Features
Pain and stiffness in the neck
Stiffness of neck from exposure to cold
Stiffness in one side of the neck usually left side, radiating to the lower back
Contractive type or stitching type of pain between the scapulae
2. Limbs (Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, Bone Pain, Growing Pains)
If we talk of limbs, this medicine is mainly used to treat joint complaints. It is mostly helpful when there is pain and swelling in the joints and when joints cannot bear heat. Intense stiffness is also there in the joints. Pain can be felt in the wrist, shoulders, elbow, ankles, arms and hands. In case of wrist, pain mostly occurs on the left side. Pain is felt in the shoulder or elbow that extends to the wrist. The ankle pain may radiate up to the leg. In some cases, joint deformity may be present. Its use is also suggested for gout (joint inflammation from increased uric acid level) cases with tearing and stitching pain in the limbs along with contracted sensation. Mainly knee joint is inflamed from gout attended with intense pain. Other than joints, it is well-indicated for managing muscle pain. Guaiacum is recommended when there occurs tearing or pricking pain in the muscles of limbs accompanied by heat. It can effectively handle thigh pain, especially pain in the middle of the thigh that radiates to the knees. The thigh muscles feel tense as if they are shortened. This medicine can be given to manage bone pain as well that occurs in the legs accompanied by swollen sensation. Other than the above, it is also a preferred medicine for growing pains (cramping or aching pain in child’s leg, front of thigh, calf muscle or back of knee that occur in evening or at night).
Key Indicating Features
Painful, stiff, swollen joints that cannot bear heat
Gout with tearing and stitching pain in limbs and contracted sensation
Growing pains in children
3. Head (Headache)
With its action on head, it can help to relieve headache. The most important symptom guiding its use is pain in the head and face extending to neck. It is also given for pulsating, throbbing pain in the head. Persons needing it feel headache while sitting and standing. They feel better by walking and applying pressure. Some persons needing it complain of one-sided pain in the head which is particularly tearing type.
Key Indicating Features
Pain in the head and face extending to neck
Headache worse when sitting and standing
Headache better by walking and pressure
4. Lungs (Pleurisy, Cough)
In case of lungs, Guaiacum shows its main action to manage cases of pleurisy. Pleurisy refers to inflammation of the pleura which is a tissue that lines the lungs and the chest wall. It is mainly effective to manage stitching pain in the chest due to pleurisy. The pain gets worse from deep breathing. Its use is further done in cases of cough when it is dry, tight cough. After coughing, there is offensive breath. Cough can be attended with difficulty in breathing. Lastly, it can be used when there is expectoration of fetid pus with cough.
Key Indicating Features
Stitching type of chest pain worse from deep breathing in pleurisy
Cough with expectoration of fetid pus
5. Throat Complaints (Tonsillitis)
By acting on throat, it shows good results in tonsillitis cases. The right-sided tonsil is mainly inflamed, swollen, and dark red. There is swelling, dryness and burning sensation in the throat. The throat is painful to touch. Stitching pain is felt in the throat radiating to ears on swallowing.
Key Indicating Features
Tonsillitis when right-sided tonsil is inflamed, swollen, dark red
Swollen, dry throat with burning sensation
Stitching pain in throat radiating to ears on swallowing
6. Gastric Issues (Gas, Pain, Diarrhea, Constipation, Inguinal Hernia)
This medicine lastly acts well on the gastric system and rectifies certain gastric issues effectively. It can help in cases of gas and distension of abdomen. Pinching pain is felt in abdomen from obstruction of gas. The stomach feels constricted and can be attended with cough and problem in breathing. Burning sensation in the stomach can occur. Sometimes cramping pain is felt in stomach. In some cases needing it, watery mucus is vomited. It is followed by weakness. It can also treat cases of diarrhea as well as constipation. In case of diarrhea, loose stool occurs in the morning attended by chill. It can be given when there is thin stool with mucus passage. For constipation, it is effective when stool is hard, crumbling and has a very offensive smell. Besides, it is also well indicated for cases of inguinal hernia (bulging of abdomen contents like intestine through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles near groin area).
Key Indicating Features
Gas, distension of abdomen with pinching pain from obstructed gas
Vomiting of watery mucus
Constipation with hard, crumbling stool having a very offensive smell
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from heat, touch, motion, exertion and in cold, wet weather
Relieving factors: Complaints get better from external pressure and cold applications
This medicine gives good results in both low and high potency. If used in low potency, one can repeat it frequently. But in high potencies it should not be repeated often.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Nux Vomica
It antidotes: Causticum and Rhus Tox
Followed well by: Calcarea Carb and Merc Sol