Homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauritanica is derived from ‘Italian grass’ that belongs to family Gramineae. When this grass is potentised as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties, it becomes a very significant homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauritanica. It is a brilliant medicine to treat cases of nasal allergy (hay fever).
Drug Action
The sphere of action of this medicine is very limited and not widespread. The first and major action of this remedy is on the nose, which is the most prominent one. Rest of its action is noted on skin, respiratory system, female genitals, head and rectum.
Clinical Indications
Hay fever, allergies, sneezing, cold, nasal discharge, hair loss, pustules, cough, dyspnoea, dentition, diarrhea.
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Nasal Complaints (Allergy, Itching In Nostrils, Sneezing)
Arundo Mauritanica has its most important action on the nose. It gives brilliant results in cases of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy). It is also known as hay fever. It refers to an allergic condition that occurs due to an allergic response to allergens like dust mites, pollen resulting in symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itchy, watery and red eyes. The foremost symptom indicating use of Arundo in hay fever is itching in the nostrils with sneezing. It promises effective cure in such cases. Other than this, it is an equally important medicine when there is itching on the roof of the mouth (palate) and in the eyes. For cases of allergic rhinitis that begin with itching and burning of the eyes and palate, it proves to be the best medicine. The palate feels raw and sore as well. Along with these symptoms, there occurs nasal discharge. Initially, the discharge is watery. Later, it becomes thick white slimy or green mucus. The mucus may have putrid smell. There may be pain at the root of the nose. Loss of smell may be present too.
Key Indicating Features
Itching in nostrils with sneezing
Itching on roof of mouth (palate) and in eyes
Allergic rhinitis beginning with itching and burning of eyes and palate
2. Skin Concerns (Crawling, Pustules, Cracks)
Arundo Mauritanica acts on skin too but to a lesser extent. The main indication to use it is crawling sensation on the body. It may be on the whole body or particularly on upper limbs, shoulders, chest and kidney region. It can be given for pustular (pus-filled) eruptions with intense itching. These are mostly present on the chest and arms. It can be used for healing cracks on heels or on fingers.
Key Indicating Features
Crawling sensation like that of an insect on body
Pustules on chest and arms
3. Respiratory Issues (Cough)
For respiratory issues, its use is usually considered when there is cough. Bluish sputum may be expectorated followed by white sputum. Rattling occurs during cough. After expectoration, bruised sensation may be felt in the pit of the throat. There may also occur vomiting of frothy, sticky matter after cough. Pricking sensation may be felt in the chest. On breathing, whistling occurs in the chest. There may occur short difficult breathing as well. It gets worse while walking.
Key Indicating Features
Cough with bluish expectoration initially followed by white
Vomiting of frothy, sticky matter after cough
4. Female Problems (Heavy Periods, Itching, Pain In Nipples)
This medicine can help in managing certain health concerns in females. The first complaint where it is useful is heavy menses that last for a long time. The menses also come early. The bleeding is of dark, black, clotted blood. Secondly, it can help to manage sexual desire along with itching in vagina. Pricking pain may occur in vulva. A very unique feature indicating its use is pain in the left side of jaw going to shoulders, kidney area that finally locates in pubis along with burning sensation. Lastly, it is beneficial to manage pain and burning in nipples.
Key Indicating Features
Heavy menses with dark, black, clotted blood
Sexual desire along with vaginal itching
Pain and burning in nipples
5. Head (Hair Fall, Headache, Formication)
It acts wonderfully on head to manage cases of hair fall. The scalp may be itchy. The roots of hair are painful. There is extreme or entire hair loss in children. Another prominent indication is headache when there is deep-seated pain in front of head and sides. Heat is felt in forehead. Sometimes pain appears in the back of head that extends to right side eye. Another indication is pricking sensation and formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) in forehead area. It can prove effective to treat pustules (pus-filled bumps) with red areola followed by crust formation in children.
Key Indicating Features
Extreme or entire hair loss in children
Deep-seated pain in front of head and sides
Pricking sensation and formication in forehead
Pustules with red areola followed by crust formation in children
6. Rectal Complaints (Diarrhea, Piles)
Its action is also noted on the rectum. It is mainly indicated for diarrhea in children during teething. The stool is green, in some cases blood may pass in stool. It is also indicated to manage cases of piles (swollen, enlarged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum). The piles protrude before passing stool, burning is felt at anus after passing stool. Piles may be attended with prolapse of rectum.
Key Indicating Features
Diarrhea during teething with greenish stool
Protrusion of piles before stool
Piles with prolapse of rectum
Its use can be done in both low and high potency. In low potency, its frequent repetition can be done but in high potency, it should not be taken often.
Relationship with Other Remedies
It can be compared with other remedies including Allium Cepa, Sabadilla, Lycopodium, Calcarea Carb, Silicea and Sulphur.