Homeopathic medicine Sanguinarium Nitricum is derived from nitrate of sanguinarin. The nitrate of sanguinarin undergoes potentization (a process in which medicinal properties from a crude substance are extracted). As a result, we get homeopathic medicine Sanguinarium Nitricum which is of great clinical significance. It is a prominently indicated homeopathic medicine to treat various nasal complaints especially nasal polyps and turbinate hypertrophy.
Drug Action
It is a great remedy and helps cure the mucus membrane of the nose. It also acts well on the throat, respiratory system, the eyes and the head.
Clinical Indications
Nasal polyps, cold, allergies, hay fever, post nasal drip, cough, bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, quinsy, pharyngitis, laryngitis and headache.
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Nasal Complaints (Polyps, Turbinate Hypertrophy, Cold, Post Nasal Discharge, Hay Fever)
Sanguinarium Nitricum acts well on the mucus membrane of the nose and proves effective in resolving various nasal-related issues. The first and foremost complaint where it is used is nasal polyps. It gives magnificent results in cases of nasal polyps (soft, painless, non-cancerous growths that may develop on the lining of nasal passage or the paranasal sinuses). Sanguinarium helps to dissolve the polyp’s growth in the nose as well as helps relieve nasal blockage. Secondly, it can be administered in case of cold with copious watery discharge from the nose accompanied by pain in the nostrils, burning in nature. Also, an accompanying factor is ‘pressure-feeling’ at the base of the nose. Sneezing also occurs along with this. Profuse eye-watering (lachrymation) accompanies too. Soreness and rawness is felt in the nostrils. It can be used in cases of hay fever (nasal allergy / allergic rhinitis). It refers to a condition characterized by symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, nasal stuffiness and itchy, watery and red eyes arising from an allergic response to allergens for eg, dust mites, pollen.
Another prominent indication for its use is hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates (nasal turbinates are tiny structures inside the nose formed of bone covered with spongy mucus membrane). It offers help in the beginning of turbinate hypertrophy. Another important complaint in which it proves beneficial is stuffing of nose with mucus that is thick, yellow, and blood-stained. There may be little crust formation in the nostrils as well. Upon removing the crusts, bleeding follows. This medicine can prove to be extremely useful in cases of post-nasal discharge (mucus dripping from the back of nose into the throat). Those needing it in this complaint have excessive difficulty in dislodging the mucus that seems to be stuck behind the nose.
Key Indicating Features
Nasal polyps with nasal blockage
Cold with copious watery nasal discharge with burning pain and sneezing
Hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates in the beginning
Nasal stuffiness with thick, yellow, blood-stained mucus
Post nasal discharge with difficulty in dislodging the mucus
2. Throat Complaints (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Quinsy, Laryngitis)
Sanguinarium Nitricum acts well on the throat. Here it is mainly indicated to manage sore throat and tonsillitis. The throat feels rough, dry, constricted. Burning in the throat is also felt alongside. There is redness, roughness, soreness, rawness on the right tonsil. It is accompanied by pain. Swallowing becomes difficult. Excessive mucus is accumulated in throat. There is expectoration of thick, yellow mucus which tastes close to being sweet. Its use in managing quinsy (also called peritonsillar abscess refers to accumulation of pus behind the tonsil) is also recommended. It can be administered in cases of laryngitis. In such cases, there is deep, hoarse, changed voice.
Key Indicating Features
Rough, dry, constricted sensation in throat along with burning sensation
Redness, roughness, soreness, rawness on the right tonsil
Laryngitis with deep, hoarse, altered voice
3. Respiratory issues (cough, asthma, bronchitis)
Its action on respiratory system is also indicated. It is mainly helpful for managing cough. It is given when there is short, tickling cough with expectoration of thick yellow mucus having sweet taste. It is well indicated for asthma and bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) cases. Persons who need this medicine feel as if thick mucus lines the air passages. Sense of suffocation also occurs. Tightness and burning sensation in chest is another symptom that is present. Pressure and mucus accumulation behind sternum (T-shaped bone that forms the front portion of the chest wall) is also present.
Key Indicating Feature
Short, tickling cough with expectoration of thick yellow sweetish mucus
4. Eyes (Watering, Pain, Redness)
Sanguinarium Nitricum helps manage eye redness, excessive eye watering and eye pain. It is useful for sore, aching and pressing pain in the eyes. Burning in the eyes is also present. The eyelids and conjunctiva is red. Excessive eye watering (lachrymation) is accompanied. Lastly, eye dimness as if a mucus film is spread oversight is an indication for its use.
Key Indicating Features
Sore, aching, burning, pressing pain in eyes
Eeye dimness with sensation as if a mucus film is spread over sight
5. Head (Headache)
By acting on head, Sanguinarium Nitricum works wonderfully for managing headache. Main indication for its use is burning pain in forehead and root of nose. It is attended with aching in eyeballs. It can also be used when there is pain above eyes (supraorbital region) that extends to forehead. A characteristic indication guiding its use is feeling of fullness in head that gets better when there is expectoration of thick, yellow sweetish mucus. A very unique feature that can be there is heat in forehead relieved by bathing in warm water. Soreness and aching all over the head can also be present.
Key Indicating Features
Burning pain in forehead and root of nose
Pain above eyes (supraorbital region) extending to forehead
Fullness in head better from expectoration of thick, yellow sweetish mucus
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse at night and touch, eye soreness is worse from pressure.
Relieving factors: There is relief in headache by expelling mucus from the nose.
The dose and potency of this medicine varies from low to high as per the case details. In low potency, it can be used often but in high potency frequent repetition is not advised.
Relationship with Other Remedies
It can be compared with some other remedies including Arum Triphyllum, Kali Bichrome and Psorinum