Homeopathic medicine Rumex Crispus is prepared from a plant named ‘yellow dock’. It belongs to family Polygonaceae. The fresh root of this plant is potentised as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. Following this, it becomes a homeopathic medicine Rumex Crispus of great service in treating certain health concerns. It is one of the best homeopathic medicine for managing cases of dry cough.
The ‘Rumex Crispus’ Constitution
This medicine is well suited to persons prone to suffer from respiratory complaints mainly dry cough.
Drug Action
Among its entire sphere of action, the most important action is seen on respiratory system. It also has marked action on larynx, throat, and skin. Lastly, it acts well on the gastric system.
Clinical Indications
Cough, asthma, sore throat, trachea disorders, skin itching, aphonia (loss of voice), acne (pimples), diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn, nausea, tuberculosis
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Respiratory System (Cough, Asthma, Lung Pain)
Rumex acts wonderfully on the respiratory system. It is a highly suitable medicine for managing cough. The foremost indication for using it is dry cough caused from tickling in the throat. The cough may also arise from touching or pressing the throat pit. The persons needing it mainly have worsening of cough from talking and at night. They have dry cough at night that prevents sleep. Another characteristic feature to use it is cough from temperature change either from cold to warm or warm to cold. The cough occurs from inhaling cold air as well. On inhaling cold air, there is constant urge to cough. Though cough most of the time is dry but in some cases, there is expectoration of either thin or tough stringy phlegm. Along with cough, there may occur headache and chest pain. There is marked weakness along with cough. Its use can be done in cases of cough that is severe accompanied with involuntary urination. Rumex is also used in asthma cases. Here it is helpful when there is cough with rattling in the windpipe with accumulation of tough mucus in the chest and excessive difficulty in breathing. Cough is very hard causing suffocation. Soreness is felt behind the sternum (breast bone). Weakness is experienced after the asthmatic attack. Besides, it can be given in cases of stitching or shooting pain in the left lung. Lastly, it is well indicated to manage cough at night in cases of tuberculosis.
Key Indicating Features
Dry cough caused from tickling in the throat
Cough from talking and at night
Cough from temperature change either from cold to warm or warm to cold
Cough from inspiring cold air
2. Throat And Larynx (Lump In Throat, Hoarseness, Aphonia)
It has prominent action on throat and larynx (voice box). It is firstly helpful for managing rawness in the larynx and trachea. This medicine works well for cough caused by irritation in the larynx. A scraping sensation in the throat is felt too. It offers help in cases of lump sensation in the throat. Either hawking or swallowing does not relieve it. This medicine gives good results if there is hoarseness of voice which mostly occurs in the evening. It also suits cases of tenacious sticky mucus in the larynx with a constant desire to hawk. This complaint gets worse in cold air and at night. Due to tough mucus in the larynx there is constant cough. Pain in the larynx is felt while eating. Aphonia (loss of voice) from exposure to cold is yet another prominent indication for its use.
Key Indicating Features
Lump sensation in the throat not relieved by either hawking or swallowing
Voice hoarseness in evening
Tenacious sticky mucus in the larynx with constant desire to hawk and cough
Aphonia from cold exposure
3. Skin (Itching, Acne)
This medicine is valuable to manage certain skin complaints. The primary indication for using it is skin itching which gets worse from cold air exposure and while undressing. Itching is mostly marked on the legs. It is also well-indicated to treat acne (pimples) on the back. It also gives excellent results in cases of stinging, prickling sensation on skin.
Key Indicating Features
Itching worse from cold air exposure and when undressing
Acne on back
Stinging and prickling sensation on skin
4. Gastric System (Diarrhea, Gastritis, Pain Abdomen)
With its action on the gastric tract, it proves to be highly effective for managing diarrhea (loose motion) in morning. There is watery, brown stool in early morning with marked urgency making the patient to rush immediately to pass stool. The stool is profuse, watery with foul smell without any pain. Anal itching is felt. Rumex is a beneficial medicine for cases of gastritis (stomach inflammation). Here it is given for long-term cases when there is aching pain in the pit of stomach. Fullness and pressure is felt in the stomach extending to throat pit. Sometimes there is shooting pain in the pit of the stomach extending to chest. This medicine is also used for pain in stomach extending to back. Nausea and heartburn can be present too. Another prominent symptom is pain in abdomen from gas soon after eating.
Key Indicating Features
Early morning diarrhea
Chronic gastritis with aching pain in the pit of stomach
Pain in abdomen from gas soon after eating
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in cool air, inhaling, deep breathing, motion, talking, from pressure on trachea, eating, weather change, in evening and at night
Relieving factors: Complaints get better from wrapping up and covering mouth
It can be used in low to high potency varying from case to case. While using this medicine, it should be kept in mind that in low potency it can be repeated often, but in high potencies it should not be taken frequently.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Camphor, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Conium, Lachesis and Phosphorus
Followed well by: Calcarea Carb
It can be compared with Causticum, Sulphur and Belladonna