The remedy Kali Bromatum is derived from potassium iodide. To prepare this medicine, potassium iodide undergoes potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties from a crude substance. With this process, potassium iodide is converted into a very important homeopathic medicine Kali Bromatum. Use of this medicine is recommended in cases of pimples, schizophrenia, sleeplessness and memory weakness.
Drug Action
Action of this medicine is well marked on skin and mind. It can also handle well cases of sleeplessness and nightmares. Additionally, it acts well on limbs, male and female genitals.
Clinical Indications
Pimples (acne), eczema, psoriasis, sebaceous cyst, schizophrenia, delusions, memory weakness, aphasia, depression, sleeplessness, nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking, locomotor ataxia, impotency, ovaries disorders, vaginismus, uterine fibroids,
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Skin Problems (Pimples, Eczema, Psoriasis, Sebaceous Cyst)
Kali Bromatum acts magnificently on skin. It yields wonderful results in cases of pimples (acne). Pimples either simple, hard, bluish red or pus-fille,d all can be successfully treated with it. This medicine can be used for pimples on face especially on cheeks and forehead, chest and shoulders. There is itching in the pimples. These pimples may leave scars too. Pimples that appear in young people during puberty can be managed well with this medicine. Females who have worsening of pimples before menses can also be benefitted from this remedy. Its use can also be considered in cases of acne rosacea (a skin condition characterised by redness, flushing of face with prominent blood vessels that may be attended with pimples on the face). This medicine is valuable to treat eczema on legs. In such cases there is oozing from the eczema rash. Another complaint for which it is highly useful is psoriasis (an autoimmune condition with inflammatory patches on the skin covered with silvery white scales). Lastly, it is an important medicine for cases of sebaceous cyst (small fluid filled sac beneath the skin).
Key Indicating Features
Pimples – simple, hard, bluish red or pus filled
Pimples on face especially on cheeks and forehead, chest, shoulders
Pimples leaving scars
Pimples worse before menses
2. Mind Complaints (Schizophrenia, Delusions, Memory Weakness, Aphasia, Depression)
Kali Bromatum has widespread action on mind. It can effectively deal with many of the complaints related to mind. Among these, first comes schizophrenia. It is a chronic brain disorder in which there occur delusions, hallucinations,and disordered thinking which impairs daily functioning. Delusions are fixed, false beliefs that contradict reality. Hallucinations refer to seeing, hearing or smelling things that appear to be real but do not exist in reality. Kali Bromatum is well indicated when there occur delusions of being pursued (of being followed or chased). The delusions of conspiracies (a secret plan to do something harmful) may also be prominent and the sufferer feels his/her life is under threat. It is also indicated for hallucinations of sight where sufferer sees horrible visions. Secondly, this medicine is useful for cases of weak memory. There may occur confused thoughts. Forgetfulness is marked in the morning when one wakes up. Mistakes may occur when speaking or writing. It is also indicated for amnesia cases (kind of memory loss). It can also help manage cases of aphasia (a language disorder affecting person’s ability to communicate in which ability to speak, write, express and understand language are affected). Kali Bromatum is mainly indicated when a person forgets how to talk and has to be told the word before he can speak. There may also occur inability to express oneself. Another characteristic for its use is nervousness and restlessness. A person cannot sit still and moves about constantly. A peculiar feature is constant motion of hands and fingers. Further its use can be done in case of certain fears. These include fear of being poisoned, of being alone, of own shadow and of getting mad. Apart from these, it proves beneficial for treating cases of depression. Here the guiding feature for its use is depression with persistent sleeplessness and delusions. There may occur fits of uncontrollable weeping, fear of impending destruction and dislike for life. Sadness is marked in the morning on waking up.
Key Indicating Features
Schizophrenia with delusions of being pursued, of conspiracies or hallucinations of sight of horrible visions
Weak memory, forgetfulness in morning on waking, doing mistakes when speaking or writing
Aphasia when a person forgets how to talk and has to be told the word before he can speak
Nervousness, restlessness, inability to sit still and constant motion of hands and fingers
Fear of being poisoned, of being alone, of own shadow, of getting mad
3. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Nightmares, Night Terrors, Sleepwalking)
For some sleep issues, Kali Bromatum proves to be very effective. It gives remarkable results in cases of sleeplessness (insomnia). It is best suited for sleeplessness that occurs from grief or worries. It is also suitable when sleeplessness occurs while recovering from some acute health problem. It is of great value in treating night terrors in children. Horrible dreams appear. There occurs moaning, crying in sleep or the child wakes up screaming. This medicine is also well-indicated for cases of teeth grinding in sleep. Apart from these, it can help in case of sleepwalking (somnambulism) in children.
Key Indicating Features
Sleeplessness from grief or worries
Sleeplessness during recovery period from some acute health problem
Night terrors in children
Teeth grinding in sleep
Ssleepwalking (somnambulism) in children
4. Limbs (Fidgety Hands, Trembling Hands, Locomotor Ataxia)
This medicine is well known for treating cases of fidgety (restless) hands. Here it is used when there is constant motion of hands and fingers. Additionally, it is given in cases of trembling of hands during voluntary motion. Another complaint where it is prominently indicated is weakness of legs with inability to stand erect. Other than this, it is indicated for cases of locomotor ataxia (lack of control over coordination of voluntary movements). Here it works well when there is staggering, uncertain gait.
Key Indicating Features
Fidgety hands with constant motion of hands and fingers
Staggering uncertain gait in locomotor ataxia
5. Male Problems (Effects Of Sexual Excesses, Impotency)
Here Kali Bromatum is prominently indicated to manage effects of sexual excesses. These includes numbness, tingling in limbs, memory loss and impaired coordination. This medicine is indicated to manage impotency (inability to obtain or maintain erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse). It can be given when impotency occurs with decreased sexual desire, sadness, memory loss, and nervous weakness. Contrary to this, it is also indicated for excessive uncontrollable sexual desire in men with constant erections at night.
Key Indicating Features
Numbness, tingling in limbs, memory loss, impaired coordination from sexual excesses
Impotency with decreased sexual desire, sadness, memory loss, and nervous weakness
Excessive, uncontrollable sexual desire in men with constant erections at night
6. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Itching, Vaginismus, Cyst, Fibroid)
Kali Bromatum is of great service to manage some health issues in females. First among these is heavy menses (menorrhagia) accompanied with increased sexual desire. On the other hand, it is also indicated when a female has loss of sexual desire and has an aversion to sex. It can effectively deal with cases of itching of external genitals. There is irritation, itching and tingling in external genitals. This medicine could be of great help for cases of vaginismus (tightening of muscles of vagina when something is trying to enter it) as well. Besides, it is indicated for treating ovarian swelling, ovarian cysts. It is also helpful in treating uterine fibroids (non – cancerous growths in uterus).
Key Indicating Features
Heavy menses accompanied with increased sexual desire
Loss of sexual desire and an aversion to sex
Irritation, itching and tingling in external genitals
Ovarian swelling, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from anger, fright, grief, worry, at night, in summer, and from lying down
Relieving factors: Complaints get better when busy
Use of this medicine can be done in both low and high potencies. In case of low potencies, it bears repetition well. When using it in high potencies, one should avoid its frequent repetition.
Relationship With Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Camphor, Nux Vomica and Zincum Met
Followed well by: Cactus
It can be compared with other medicines including Aurum Met, Borax, Kali Phos, Hyoscyamus, Gelsemium and Zincum Met