Tuberculinum Bovinum has marked action on lungs and is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of tuberculosis (bacterial infection of lungs caused by bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis). Other than this, it works wonders in treating cases of speech delay in children, sore throat and tonsillitis. This medicine is well suited to people who are susceptible to weather changes and have tendency to catch cold easily from the slightest exposure to cold air. In cases needing it, a family history of tuberculosis may be found.
Drug Action
The most prominent action of this medicine is on the respiratory system. Other than this, it acts well on mind, throat, nose, larynx, head and gastric system.
Clinical Indications
Tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, ADHD, mania, speech delay, cold, sore throat, tonsillitis, enlarged adenoids, headache, diarrhea, night terrors, night sweats, weight loss
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Complaints Of The Mind (Speech Delay, ADHD, Depression, Mania)
Action of Tuberculinum is well marked on the mind to successfully treat numerous issues. It is a highly suitable medicine for treating cases of speech delay in children. It is also well-indicated for treating cases of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Children needing Tuberculinum are very restless, hyperactive, and have increased energy levels. They cannot slow down to learn anything and have low concentration or attention levels. They are very obstinate, irritable and over-react to situations. There can be behavioral problems as well. They have a tendency to throw temper tantrums frequently and can be argumentative. This medicine can be used for cases of depression. Here sadness and hopelessness are marked. Fear of the unknown may be present. It can manage mania well. The person throws fits of violent anger with a desire to fight and uses abusive language. A destructive tendency may be present.
Key Indicating Features
Speech delay in children
ADHD with restlessness, hyperactivity, low concentration or attention levels
Mania with fits of violent anger, desire to fight, use of bad language, abusiveness, destructiveness
2. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis)
Tuberculinum has shown great clinical results in a number of respiratory problems like cough and management of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. For cough, it is used mainly when cough is dry and hacking type. It is attended by chill, excessive sweating and weight loss. Cough gets worse during sleep and in evening. Mostly used for dry cough, but it can also be given for cases of cough with expectoration of mucus and pus or blood-tinged sputa. In some cases, expectoration is thick, profuse yellow or yellowish green. This medicine is highly recommended for managing cases of tuberculosis. Here the symptoms are continuous hacking with cough which gets worse at bedtime or on rising, weight loss, excessive weakness, lack of appetite, night sweats, fever in evening, rales (small bubbling or rattling sounds in lungs) in both lungs and breathing difficulty. It is a great medicine for cases of asthma and pneumonia (infection and inflammation of air sacs of lungs). In cases needing it, there is marked cough with rales in lungs. One feels suffocated along with shortness of breath.
Key Indicating Features
Cough dry, hacking type attended with chill, excessive sweating and weight loss
Cough with expectoration of mucus and pus or blood-tinged sputa or thick, profuse yellow or yellowish green mucus
Tuberculosis with hacking cough, weight loss, weakness, appetite loss, night sweats, fever in evening, rales in both lungs and breathing difficulty
3. Throat Complaints (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis)
With its magnificent action on throat, it can successfully handle cases of sore throat and inflamed, enlarged tonsils. Those needing it have a tendency for recurrent sore throat and tonsillitis. There is pain in the throat that extends to the ears. Throat may be dry or there may be mucus in the throat. There is hawking of mucus after eating. Tickling is felt in the throat that excites cough. Throat feels constricted. It is also indicated for managing cases of tuberculosis of larynx (voice box). Lastly, it is beneficial for cases of enlarged adenoids.
Key Indicating Features
Recurrent sore throat and tonsillitis
Tuberculosis of larynx (voice box)
4. Nasal Problems (Cold, Boils)
This medicine acts wonderfully on the mucus lining of the nose in people suffering from cold. It is a highly suitable medicine for managing cases where tendency to catch cold easily on slightest exposure to cold air is well marked. In cases needing it, there is increased mucus secretion from the nose along with pain in forehead. The secretions are sticky and yellow-green. It suits well cases in which little boils (pus-filled lump under the skin) appear on the nose. They contain green, fetid pus and are extremely painful.
Key Indicating Features
Tendency to catch cold easily on the slightest exposure to cold air
Cold with sticky, yellow-green nasal discharge
Boils on nose containing green fetid pus
5. Head (Headache, Meningitis)
By acting on the head, it proves effective in managing headache. Those needing it have violent pain in head. The sufferer tears hair, beats head with fist out of pain or bang the head on wall/floor. A sensation of an iron band around the head is felt. Headache usually occurs periodically at fixed intervals. Its use is also indicated for managing headache that is worse from study or little mental exertion.
Key Indicating Features
Violent headache with tearing hair, beating head with fist or dashing head on wall or floor
Headache gets worse from study or little mental exertion
6. Gastric Complaints (Abdomen Pain, Tuberculosis, Diarrhea)
Tuberculinum can be given to people suffering from stomach cramps, stomach fullness and belching. It is also used for pain in the navel area with nausea and loose stool. Vomiting may occur after every meal. This medicine is also indicated for managing abdominal tuberculosis. Here the indications for its use are pain in abdomen with fever, weight loss, and hard enlarged glands in groin. Other than these, it is a valuable medicine for managing sudden diarrhea that occurs early morning. The stool is watery, brown, foul smelling and passed with much force.
Key Indicating Features
Pain in navel area with nausea and loose stool
Abdominal tuberculosis with pain in abdomen, fever, weight loss, hard enlarged glands in groin
Sudden diarrhea that occurs early morning
7. For Fever
Tuberculinum can be used for treating fever that is continuous. There is excessive sweating. There is more sweating at night which stains the clothes yellow. Sweat is marked on the hands and upper body parts. Chills are marked on the back and between shoulders. During chill, there is a desire for fresh air. Heat radiates from the back to the head during the heat stage. Heat occurs in the evening in bed. It is the best medicine for managing fever in tuberculosis.
Key Indicating Features
Fever with chill marked on the back and between shoulders
Excessive sweating worse at night staining the clothes yellow
Heat radiates from back to head, marked in the evening
Fever in persons having tuberculosis
8. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Nightmares, Sweating At Night)
One may find this medicine beneficial for people suffering from sleeplessness. Persons who require it may be sleepless at night or may have a poor, restless sleep. During the day, they feel sleepy. Secondly, its use is recommended for cases of teeth grinding during sleep. Another complaint where it gives good results is nightmares or night terrors. It is helpful for children who wake up in horror or fright along with screaming. The last indication for its use is excessive sweating at night.
Key Indicating Features
Sleeplessness or poor restless sleep with daytime sleepiness
Teeth grinding during sleep
Night terrors in children
Excessive sweating at night
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from weather change, before cold or damp, from exertion, noise, music, evening and night
Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air and in dry warm weather
Use of this medicine can be done in both low and high potencies but in infrequent doses.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Followed well by Psorinum, Hydrastis, Sulphur, Belladonna and Calcarea Carb
It can be compared with other homeopathic medicines including Phosphorus, Silicea, Stannum Met, Psorinum and Lachesis