Ranunculus Bulbosus is prepared from the plant buttercup. It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. The whole plant is used to extract the medicine which undergoes potentization (the process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extract and intensifies the medicinal properties from a crude substance) to obtain medicine Ranunculus Bulbosus. This medicine proves to be very effective in managing pain in the shoulder blade, intercostal pain (pain in the area between two ribs), and certain skin complaints especially herpes zoster also known as shingles.
Drug Action
The most well-known action of this medicine is on the skin, chest wall, ribs, and upper back mainly to manage shoulder blade pain. Other than this, it also acts well on the eyes.
Clinical Indications
Herpes zoster, intercostal pain, scapula pain, corns, pemphigus, eczema, ulcers, chest pain, pleurodynia, pleurisy, day blindness
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Skin Complaints (Herpes Zoster, Corns, Pemphigus, Eczema, Ulcers)
Ranunculus Bulbosus is a highly recommended medicine for treating various skin diseases. It is a renowned homeopathic medicine for treating herpes zoster. Herpes zoster is a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus resulting in a painful skin rash. It has given great clinical improvements in cases of herpes zoster. This medicine is used when there occurs bluish or bluish-black colored vesicle (fluid-filled bump) on the skin. Intense itching is also felt along with burning sensation. Sharp-stitching pain is another characteristic symptom. Furthermore, an important use of this medicine is seen in treating cases of corn on the skin.
Corn refers to a thick, hard skin area caused by excessive friction and pressure on the skin, especially on the feet. The guiding feature for its use is smarting and burning pain upon touching it. Another complaint in which it is found to be highly effective is pemphigus (a skin disorder in which there occurs a blister or pus-filled bump on the skin or mucous membrane in the body). It is well-indicated when there appear large blisters. These secrete foul-smelling sticky matter. These burst and leave raw surfaces. It can be given in cases of eczema. Here, it is well indicated when there is a formation of fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles) that itch and burn accompanied by skin thickening and the formation of hard scabs. Lastly, it can be used in cases of skin ulcers. The indicative feature to use it in ulcers are flat ulcers with stinging, burning, and discharge of watery matter or pus.
Key Indicating Features
Herpes zoster with bluish or bluish-black colored vesicles with intense itching and burning
Corns with smarting and burning pain on touching
Pemphigus with large blisters that ooze foul-smelling sticky matter
2. Chest Complaints (Intercostal Pain, Chest Pain, Pleurodynia, Pleurisy)
Ranunculus Bulbosus has a remarkable action on the chest. The main indication for its use is pain in the intercostal spaces (which means pain in the space between any of the two ribs in the chest). The pain gets worse from movement and touch. It is best suited when there is intercostal neuralgia — pain in between ribs that arise from the involvement of intercostal nerves. It is indicated in order to manage pain in the chest wall. The pain is sharp, cutting, or stitching in nature. It is specifically indicated when this pain is of nerve, muscle or joint origin. The pain in the chest gets worse on movement and on inhalation where this medicine is required. Its use is also indicated in cases of pleurodynia.
Pleurodynia is a viral infection causing flu-like symptoms accompanied by chest pain. It is useful in cases of pleurisy (inflamed pleura means tissue lining outside of lungs and inner chest wall). Lastly, it proves beneficial for managing pain behind the sternum accompanied by soreness and bruised sensation.
Key Indicating Features
Intercostal neuralgia or pain (means pain in space between any of the two ribs in the chest)
Sharp, cutting, or stitching pain in the chest wall which gets worse on movement and on inspiration
Pain behind sternum attended with soreness and bruised sensation
3. Back (Shoulder Blade Pain)
The most important action of this medicine is seen on the back. Its use is mostly recommended to manage pain in the upper back. The characteristic feature for its use is muscle pain felt along the lower margins of the shoulder blade /scapula (which means triangular bone that lies in the upper back one on either side). The pain gets worse due to overuse of arms while writing, typing, playing piano, etc. The burning sensation is usually felt. It is also of great clinical significance to treat stitching pain in scapula or in between the scapulae. Its use is also considered when the neck muscles are contracted. Lastly, it is useful to manage pain in right side of the lower back felt while walking.
Key indicating features
Muscle pain along the lower margins of the shoulder blade
Stitching nature of pain in scapula or in between the scapulae
4. Eye Problems (Herpes, Day Blindness)
Ranunculus Bulbosus serves best to manage herpes eruptions that form on the cornea. It is accompanied by marked eye pain, watering of the eye, and bright light sensitivity (photophobia). The second indication for its use is pain over the right side of the eye that is relieved upon standing and walking. It is useful in case there is a smarting sensation and feeling of pressure in the eyeballs. Besides these, it is indicated for the management of cases of day blindness (impaired vision in day time while preserved vision at night time). Those who need it for day blindness feel a mist before their eyes in day time along with smarting and pressure in the eyes.
Key Indicating Features
Herpes eruptions on the cornea with marked pain, eye-watering, and bright light sensitivity
Day blindness with a sensation of mist before the eyes and smarting pain and pressure in the eyes
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in damp cold rainy weather, upon movement of arms, standing, touch, after eating, in stormy weather, open air, change of weather, from alcohol intake, from fright and anger.
Relieving factors: Complaints get better as one sits in a forward bending position.
This medicine can be used in both low and high potency. The potency and repetition of this medicine vary on a case-to-case basis. As a general rule, the low potencies can be taken frequently but high potencies should not be repeated often.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Bryonia, Camphor, and Pulsatilla
Followed well by Bryonia, Ignatia, Kali Carb, Nux Vomica, Rhus Tox, Sepia, and Sabadilla