Homeopathic medicine Cannabis Sativa is derived from a plant known as ‘hemp’. It belongs to Cannabinaceae family. The flowering tops of this plant undergo potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. As a result, we get homeopathic medicine Cannabis Sativa of great clinical significance. It is a very effective homeopathic medicine to treat numerous urinary issues and male problems.
Drug Action
This medicine seems to have its most marked action on urinary system and sex organs. Its action is also seen on the respiratory system and the limbs.
Clinical Indications
Cystitis, gonorrhoea, urethral discharges, urethral stricture, nephritis, sexual disorders, priapism, infertility, leucorrhoea, asthma, pleurisy
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Urinary Issues (Cystitis, Stricture, And Gonorrhoea)
This medicine acts magnificently on the urinary system to treat various urinary concerns. It is a wonderful medicine to manage cases of cystitis which is the inflammation of urinary bladder. In cases requiring it, burning is felt while urinating. Urine is scanty and it passes drop by drop. Stitching pain is also felt in the urethra. It is well indicated for cases of urethral stricture (narrowing of the urethra as a result of scar formation). Persons needing it have to strain to pass urine. They have to wait for a while before the flow of urine is initiated. Urination occurs in a split stream. After urine flow stops, dribbling occurs. The urgency to urinate is also marked along with the above symptoms. This medicine is also given for treating cases of nephritis (kidney inflammation). It is indicated to manage kidney pain that is specifically ulcerative or drawing in nature. It is a top-listed medicine for the management of gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). The urethra is inflamed and painful to touch in cases needing it. It works well when there is discharge of yellow watery mucus from the urethra.
Key Indicating Features
Burning while urinating with scanty urine that passes drop by drop
Urethral stricture with straining to urinate, split stream of urine and dribbling after urination
Gonorrhoea with yellow watery mucus discharge from the urethra
2. Male Problems (Gonorrhoea, Pain In Testes, Inflammation, Priapism)
In males, this medicine works very effectively to manage certain health issues. To begin with, it gives good results in cases of gonorrhoea. It is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It is given when there is yellow watery mucus discharge from the urethra. Secondly, it is beneficial to manage pain in the testes. The pain in the testicle is pressive dragging in nature where this medicine is required. It is felt mainly while standing. Thirdly, Cannabis Sativa is helpful for the management of inflammation of the prepuce, glans and the penis. Prepuce and glans are dark red and swollen. Prepuce is sensitive to touch. Burning sensation is felt on the glans and the prepuce along with redness and swelling. There is pain in the penis felt while walking. This medicine can also be given for managing tensive pain felt during erections. Lastly, it is helpful for managing cases of priapism (persistent erection of the penis mostly painful that is unrelated to sexual stimulation)
Key Indicating Features
Gonorrhoea with watery mucus discharge from the urethra
Pain in the testicle of pressive dragging nature when standing
Inflamed prepuce, glans and penis
Priapism means persistent erection of penis usually painful unrelated to sexual stimulation
3. Female Problems (Gonorrhoea, Vaginal Discharge, Heavy Periods, Nymphomania And Infertility)
In women, this medicine proves effective in managing gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, heavy periods, nymphomania and infertility. It is one of the major medicine for managing gonorrhoea. Females needing it feel cutting pain between the labia when passing urine. The vagina is also swollen. The urethral opening is closed with mucus and pus. It is next used for leucorrhoea (means vaginal discharge) cases. Its use is mainly recommended for leucorrhoea in babies and young girls. Another characteristic symptom to use it is heavy periods attended with difficult and painful urination. Its use is also done to manage nymphomania (uncontrollable, excessive sexual desire in females) cases. Lastly, it is also used for the treatment of infertility in women.
Key Indicating Features
Gonorrhoea with vaginal swelling, cutting pain between labia when urinating and mucus and pus discharge from urethra
Leucorrhoea in babies and young girls
Heavy periods attended with difficult, painful urination
To control increased sexual desire
4. Respiratory System (Asthma, Pleurisy)
With its action on the respiratory system, Cannabis Sativa offers help to treat asthma and pleurisy management. There is cough, wheezing, rattling in the chest and difficult breathing. A sensation of weight on the chest is also felt. During asthma attack, the sufferer has to stand near an open window leaning forward for relief. Cough is accompanied by sticky and green expectoration. A burning sensation is also felt in the chest. Its use in pleurisy (inflammation of the lining around the lungs) cases is also done. In such cases, it is given when there occurs cough with spitting of blood and pain of stitching type in the right side of the chest.
Key Indicating Features
Cough with sticky, green expectoration
Pleurisy with cough, blood spitting and stitching sort of pain in the right sided chest
5. Limbs (Cramps, Foot Pain, Hip Pain, Formication)
By acting on limbs, Cannabis Sativa helps to manage cramps. It is effective in managing cramps in thighs, legs, hands and fingers. It can be used for relieving stretching type of pain in feet. It is useful for contracted achilles tendon (this tendon is a fibrous tissue that connects lower part of calf muscle in back of leg to the heel bone) accompanied by intense pain. Another complaint where it proves effective is cramping, digging pain in hip on the right side. Lastly, it works well to manage formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) and numbness in finger tips.
Key Indicating Features
Cramps in thighs, legs, hands and fingers
Pain in the feet of stretching type
Contraction of Achilles tendon with intense pain
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse while urinating, at night, from exercise, walking, going upstairs and in darkness
Relieving factors: Complaints get better by taking rest and in fresh air
It can be used in potency 30 C and even higher potencies. In low potencies, it can be repeated often but frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Camphor and Merc Sol
Followed well by: Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Opium, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox and Veratrum album
It can be compared with some other homeopathic medicines including Arnica, Bryonia, Cantharis, Petroleum, Petroselinum, Stramonium and Sulphur