Migraine is a disorder characterised by headache, specifically affecting one side of the head (i.e. unilateral side). Migraine headaches are mostly throbbing or pulsating in nature. Common accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, and noise. The migraine headache can be severe enough to disturb routine activities.
In some cases, some warning symptoms may be experienced before the onset of headache or with the headache, known as an ‘aura.’ The symptoms of aura may be related to vision like flashes of light or spots or different shapes before eyes and sometimes temporary loss of vision. Other symptoms of aura may relate to sensation. It includes tingling or prickling sensation on face, arms or legs. Sometimes difficulty in speech may also be a symptom.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic remedies for migraine are reliable, and safe. They offer effective treatment for migraine. In fact, they work wonders for acute migraine attacks or even chronic migraine. These medicines for migraine are selected as per individual case. Individual symptoms are studied in detail and the appropriate medicine is prescribed. They identify and attack migraine at the root. Migraines with or without aura respond very well to natural homeopathic medicines.
Top Homeopathic medicines for migraine
The top-ranked homeopathic medicines for migraine are Belladonna, Glonoinum, Iris Versicolor, Epiphegus, and Nux Vomica.
1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine For Migraine
Though, there are numerous medicines available in homeopathy to manage migraine but Belladonna assumes top most position in that. I can bet this medicine to relieve migraine headache. It is brilliant medicine to help headaches with intense throbbing, pulsating type of pain. With this, there is an extreme fullness in the head along with the sensation as if the head would burst. Light seemingly worsens the headache. Noise may get unbearable. In some cases, exposure to cold air may trigger a migraine episode. In others, a head bath with cold water can bring on migraine headaches. Manual pressing of the head is the only way one could get some relief.
2. Glonoinum – For Congestive Headache
Glonoinum though mentioned on second position but is as effective as Belladonna for treating migraine with fullness and congestion in head. Those needing it feel excessive blood rush into the head. The head feels very large, as if it would burst. Patients who suffer are seen holding their heads tightly. The eyeballs seem to protrude. Extreme heaviness in the head along with unbearable heat occurs. Uncovering the head relieves the headache. The migraine also gets better with sleep. However, walking may worsen the headache. Apart from congestive headaches, Glonoinum is a leading medicine administered for headache related to migraine triggered by sun exposure.
3. Iris Versicolor – For Migraine With Nausea, Vomiting Or Acidity
To manage headache with nausea, vomiting and acidity no medicine does a better job than Iris Versicolor. Though, some other medicines can be extremely useful but Iris Versicolor is first recommended choice. It is best suited when acid reflux leads to headaches. In cases needing it, vomiting of acidic, sour, bitter nature is observed. Bitter, acrid belching with heartburn (intense burning behind the sternum) and burning in the throat is well marked. Other than heartburn burning may be noted in any part of the alimentary canal. This medicine is also useful in case migraine begins with a blur before the eyes.
4. Epiphegus – For Migraine Triggered By Mental Or Physical Exertion
To treat migraine triggered by exertion (mental or physical), medicine Epiphegus is the best bet. It gives great results when mental or physical exertion sets off the migraine episode. It is used where the slightest deviation from routine work brings on a migraine attack. Although, it works for both-sided migraine, comparatively better results are seen when the headache occurs on the left-side. A peculiar accompanying symptom is increased saliva with constant inclination to spit.
5. Spigelia – Effective Medicine For Left-sided Migraine
Spigelia is undoubtedly the most effective medicine for migraine on the left-side. In most cases, the pain begins in the back of the head (occipital region), extends upwards and settles over the left eye. The pain is intense, throbbing and pulsating. A sensation of a tight band around the head is felt. Stooping seems to worsen the headache. Severe pain in the eyeballs may be an accompanying factor. Eye movement worsens this pain.
6. Sanguinaria Canadensis – For Migraine Of Right Side
Sanguinaria Canadensis works wonderfully well to settle down migraine on the right-side. The characteristic symptom to administer this medicine is pain which starts in the back of the head (occipital region), and then it goes up and sits right over the right eye. Lying down quietly in a dark room or sleep brings relief. This medicine can also be prescribed when the headache starts in the morning, gets intense during the day and lasts until sunset. Fasting (going without meals) often triggers a migraine headache in some, for which again this medicine is helpful. Sanguinaria Canadensis is also a significant medicine for migraine in women during menopause.
7. Nux Vomica – For Migraine With Gastric Issues
Nux Vomica is the most well suited medicine for migraine with gastric troubles. Migraine associated with indigestion, gas, constipation shows great recovery with the use of Nux Vomica. It is often seen that migraine headache gets triggered by some particular food items. Nux Vomica is suitable when migraine triggers from intake of alcohol, coffee, and spicy food. The headache may be located in any part of the head. The person feels the need to press the head against something for relief.
8. Kali Phos – For Migraine Due To Stress
To relieve migraine from stress one can surely take this medicine without second thought. The unique indication for the use of Kali Phos is stress, tensions, and worry that leads to headache arising out of migraine. Such migraine related headaches are common among students who suffer school or college related stress. Exhaustion, and weakness usually accompany the migraine in such cases.
9. Natrum Muriaticum – For Migraine Before / During Menses (Menstrual Migraine)
Some women may experience migraine specifically before or during menstruation. For them, Natrum Muriaticum is the best prescription. This medicine works extremely well when migraine attack gets triggered before or during menstrual cycle. This medicines typically works if migraine headache feels like little hammers knocking on the brain. Another kind of headache that can be dealt wonderfully with this medicine is when the headache starts with sunrise, continues through the day and vanishes after sunset. This is popularly known as the “sunrise to sunset headache”. It is also the most suitable prescription for migraine headaches in school girls or in girls who are anaemic. It is also considered the best medicine where numbness or tingling is felt in the nose, tongue or lips before the migraine attack.
10. Gelsemium – When Headache Is Preceded By Temporary Vision Loss
Gelsemium is well indicated for cases in which temporary vision loss (blindness) precedes onset of migraine headache. Those who need it usually feel the pain in the back of the head (occipital region). A sensation of band around the head is also felt. There is heaviness on the eyelids. Excessive sensibility to noise before headache is yet another reason for its use. This medicine can also be given for headache on the one-side accompanied with dim vision or double vision.
11. Cyclamen – For Migraine With Visual Disturbances
Cyclamen is mostly administered for migraine attack preceded or accompanied by visual disturbance like flickering / sparks before eyes or dim vision. These visual symptoms that precede the migraine headache are referred to as visual aura. Cyclamen is also useful in case of migraine headaches which has an early morning onset. Shooting pain is experienced in the temporal region. Vertigo, especially while standing may accompany the headache.
12. Kali Bichrome – For Headache Preceded by Blurred Vision Or Temporary Loss Of Vision
It is a very beneficial medicine in managing headache preceded by blurred vision or temporary vision loss. The headache occurs in small spots, and is marked over the eyebrows. Nausea, and vomiting may accompany other symptoms.
Four Stages & Symptoms of Migraine
There are four stages of a migraine attack:
1.Prodrome: It is the first stage lasting for a few hours to a few days. In this, the sufferer notices slight change that signals that a migraine attack is about to set in.These are noticed in 60 per cent of the cases.
2. Aura: It is the second stage lasting anything between five minutes to 60 minutes. This appears before or even when the headache has set in.
3. Headache (migraine attack): It remains for a minimum of four hours and extends up to as many as three days.
4. Postdrome:It occurs after the end of migraine attack, and may last for one to two days.
Each stage has its own symptoms as mentioned below:
1. Prodrome symptoms
Mood changes, difficult concentration, irritability, increased frequency of urination, food cravings, neck stiffness, constipation or diarrhoea, difficulty in speaking/sleeping
2. Aura symptoms
In this, symptoms related to nervous system appear which are reversible. The symptoms of this stage might include visual disturbances (like experiencing flashes of light or bright spots or zig-zag lines or different shapes popping up before one’s eyes, vision loss). It may also include problem in speaking, needle-pins being felt in the arm or leg, weakness in the face or on either side of the body. In some cases, changes in smell or taste also occur. Besides sensation, one feels as if the world around the person is spinning.
3. Headache (Migraine attack)
In this stage, a throbbing pulsating type of pain appears mostly on one side of head. In some cases, headache may occur on both sides of head. Besides, nausea and vomiting can occur. Additionally, sensitivity to sound, light, smell can be experienced.
4. Postdrome (Migraine Hangover) Symptoms
After the migraine attack is over, fatigue, confusion appears. Some people feel extremely happy.
Types Of Migraine
There are multiple types of migraine. Some of these are as explained below:
1. Migraine without headache (Silent migraine): only aura symptoms occur in this type and no headache appears.
2. Migraine without aura:In this headache, starts without any aura symptoms
3. Migraine with aura (Classic migraine): An aura is experienced followed by headache
4. Retinal / Ocular migraine:There occurs temporary vision loss that can be partial or complete in one eye attended with dull pain behind eye that can spread to other parts of the head.
5. Hemiplegic migraine:Temporary sensory or other nervous system related symptoms may occur like numbness or weakness on one side of body, sometimes loss of sensation and tingling in one side of body
6. Migraine with brainstem aura (basilar migraine): Before headache, there occurs slurred speech, vertigo, loss of balance, double vision and ringing noises in ears
7. Menstrual migraine: It happens in women before or during menses and may occur every month.
8. Abdominal migraine: In this stomach pain occurs with nausea and vomiting, usually seen in children. With time, it can shift to classic migraine.
9. Status migrainosus: When migraine lasts for more than 3 days. It is a severe type of migraine
10. Chronic migraine:when migraine occurs for fifteen days minimum in one month.
1. Migraines are believed to arise due to brain changes affecting nerve communication,and are also thought to originate from brain changes affecting blood vessels.Some people believe that both of these factors play a role. These changes send pain signals to brain.
2. Other than these, decrease in the level of brain chemical serotonin might be a causing factor, the research for confirmation of the role of serotonin in migraines is still ongoing.
3. Genetics is also thought to play a role in migraine as persons having migraine often have some family member suffering from migraine. About two third of the migraine cases have a family history of migraine. If a person has one parent with migraine then he / she has 50% chance to suffer same. Having both parent suffering from migraine increase risk to 75% in their children
4. In some cases psychological conditions like anxiety, depression, are linked with migraine
Trigger Factors
Some of the trigger factors behind migraine are:
1. Stress
2. Bright light, flashing lights, sunlight, light from television; loud noise; strong smell.
3. Eating processed foods, cheese, chocolates, pickled food or food having monosodium glutamate (MSG), skipping meals, taking excessive alcohol and caffeine
4. Loss of sleep or excessive sleep
5. Intense exertion, tiredness
6. Temperature changes
7. Certain medicines like vasodilators (like nitroglycerine) and oral contraceptive pills
8. In women, migraines can occur from hormonal changes like before or during menses, pregnancy and menopause
Lifestyle Management
1. Massaging scalp can be helpful to relieve headache
2. Rest in quiet, dark room can relieve attack
3. To manage stress, opt for yoga and meditation to calm mind and prevent migraine attack
4. Find out factors that trigger your migraine and try to avoid them
5. Take plenty of fluids and do not skip meals
6. Take enough sleep
7. Avoid food stuff that triggers your migraine