Homeopathic medicine Magnesia Carbonica is prepared from magnesium carbonate. Magnesium carbonate is inactive in its crude form but when it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Magnesia Carbonica. It is an important homeopathic medicine to manage various gastric issues, women-related problems, toothache, and facial neuralgia.
The ‘Magnesia Carbonica’ Constitution
It is suited to persons who are nervous, have excessive gas in abdomen and have sour-smelling sweat. It is also highly suitable for women who suffer from exhaustion and uterine problems. Lastly, it suits children with nervous, irritable temperament, and have smelly sweat.
Drug Action
The most marked action of this remedy is on the gastric system, women’s organs, and teeth. Besides, it acts well on the face and throat too.
Clinical Indications
Diarrhea, constipation, colic, belching, vomiting, acidity, heartburn, sore throat, delayed menses, leucorrhoea, toothache, neuralgia (nerve pain)
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Gastric Issues (Diarrhea, Constipation, Gas, Pain, Vomiting)
Magnesia Carb has its most important action on the gastric system. Firstly, it manages cases of diarrhea quite well. In such cases, the stool is watery, green and frothy. White lumps may be seen floating along with the stool. There could be mucus, and blood in the stool. Stool is accompanied by stinging pain and pressure in the abdomen. Distension of abdomen is noted as well. Before passing stool, pinching in the abdomen and rumbling is felt. After passing stool, burning is felt at the anus. This medicine can manage well, cases of constipation also. There is frequent urge to pass stool. The stool is dry, hard, crumbling type. It sometimes is hard like a stone. Stitching pain in the anus and rectum occurs. Next, it is a well-indicated medicine for children who are on breastfeed and are unable to tolerate milk. They either get stomach pain from milk intake or the milk passes undigested. Another complaint where it proves beneficial is gas in the abdomen along with rumbling, gurgling, and bloating. There may be cutting pain around the navel which is relieved by passing gas. It is also administered for abdomen pain, which gets better from doing a bending double exercise (touching feet with hands). This medicine is also given in case of sour belching, and vomiting of bitter food. Heartburn too may be felt. If heartburn, and sour belching occur specifically after intake of potatoes, milk or cabbage, then this medicine is very useful.
Key Indicating Features
Diarrhea when the stool is watery, green, frothy
Inability to tolerate milk in children who are on breastfeed
Cutting pain around the navel better from passing the gas
Pain in abdomen gets better from bending double
Heartburn and sour belching after intake of potatoes, milk or cabbage
2. Female Problems (Late & Scanty Menses, Vaginal Discharge)
It is a really suitable medicine for managing certain women-related issues. Firstly, its use is considered when the menses appear late and are scanty. The menstrual flow is dark, thick, and sticky. It is accompanied by dragging pains. Before and during the menses there is backache, and weakness. Menses may be preceded by a headache. Secondly, it is valuable in managing vaginal discharges (leucorrhoea). Women who need it complain of white vaginal discharge after periods. Before the discharge, pain is felt in the uterus. There may occur pinching pain around the navel. The discharge causes smarting vaginal pain, especially, while sitting or walking. Another very striking feature to use this remedy is sore throat, cold and nasal blockage before menses.
Key Indicating Features
Late and scanty menses with dark, thick, sticky bleeding
White vaginal discharge after periods
Sore throat, cold, and nasal blockage before menses
3. Dental Issues (Toothache, Wisdom Teeth Complaints)
Magnesia Carbonica is a benchmark medicine to administer toothache. The pain in teeth can be tearing, drawing or burning in nature. The pain may radiate from the teeth to the side of the head. It is useful when the pain in the teeth worsens at night and gets better from cold drinks. It also gets worse when one is resting, and one gets relief by walking. It can really manage well stinging pain in the teeth after eating. It is also well indicated to manage toothache during pregnancy. Lastly, complaints arising from eruption of wisdom teeth are wonderfully managed with it.
Key Indicating Features
Toothache gets worse at night time
Toothache better from cold drinks
Toothache gets worse while resting, and there is relief by walking
Stinging pain in the teeth after eating
Complaints arising from eruption of wisdom teeth
4. Face (pain)
It proves very effective in managing facial neuralgia (nerve pain). It is a good choice in case of left-side facial pain that is shooting in nature. It gets worse upon being touched, due to changes in temperature, and cold air exposure. It also gets worse at night. It gets better by walking.
Key Indicating Features
Left-side facial pain that is shooting in nature
Facial pain gets worse from cold air exposure, change of temperature and upon being touched
Facial pain gets worse at night
Facial pain gets better by walking
5. Throat Concerns (Sore Throat)
This medicine acts magnificently on the throat. It is mostly used in case of sore throat. It can be given when there is sticking or shooting pain in the throat that increases from excessive talking, and also while swallowing food. Burning sensation is felt in the throat along with this. Dryness, and roughness are also felt in the throat at times. There may be hawking of offensive green or cheesy mucus from the throat. A very peculiar complaint for which it is a top-listed medicine in homeopathy is a sore throat before menses.
Key Indicating Features
Sticking or shooting pain in the throat which gets worse upon too much talking and while swallowing
Sore throat which gets worse before menses
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold, wind, weather change, rest, and warmth of the bed
Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air and from movement
This medicine works well in both low, and high potencies. The potency is chosen individually on a case-to-case basis. Generally, in low potency it can be repeated often but in high potency frequent repetition should be avoided.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Chamomilla, Merc Sol and Nux Vomica
It antidotes: Acetic Acid
Followed well by: Causticum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Sulphur