The homeopathic remedy Cannabis Indica is derived from young leaves and twigs of plant Cannabis Indica, commonly known as Indian marijuana. This plant belongs to family Cannabinaceae. The young leaves and twigs of this plant undergo potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that extract and intensify the medicinal properties of a crude substance). With this process, it gets converted into a very important medicine Cannabis Indica. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases of memory weakness, absent mindedness, hallucinations, fears and certain urinary complaints.
Drug Action
The top most action of this medicine is seen on the mind. Second important action is noted on head and urinary organs. Next it acts well on ears. It shows noteworthy action on male and female genitals.
Clinical Indications
Memory weakness, delusions, fears, absent mindedness, urinary disorders, kidney disorders, headache, satyriasis, priapism, gonorrhoea, heavy menses (menorrhagia), painful menses (dysmenorrhoea), infertility, paralysis, sleeplessness, teeth grinding, night mares
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Mind Complaints (Weak Memory, Hallucinations, Fears)
The foremost action of this medicine is noted on the mind. It is a superb medicine for cases of memory weakness. Short term memory is poor, persons needing it are forgetful while writing or speaking. They start to speak or write a sentence but forget what they were about to speak or write so are unable to finish it. When speaking they tend to forget their last words and ideas. It is also a principal medicine for absent mindedness, poor concentration and foggy mind. It is a wonderful medicine for certain hallucinations (seeing, hearing or smelling things that appear to be real but do not exist in reality). It firstly includes a feeling as if body is swelling and becoming larger. Another is hearing music or numberous bells chiming at the same time when in actual there are none. Another symptom is a hallucination that someone is calling him/her. A characteristic indication is a sense of exaggeration of time and space. Time seems very long, time of few seconds feels like ages. A distance of some miles seems a very long distance. It is also indicated for cases of emotional excitement, exaltation of spirit with excessive talkativeness. There is constant theorizing and a person gets lost in thoughts. Further indication is uncontrollable laughter with extreme happiness (especially drug induced). There is a disposition to laugh on the slightest pretext and a person may laugh at every word said to him. It is best suited to manage certain fears. These are fear of becoming mad, fear of approaching death, and fear of darkness.
Key Indicating Features
Memory weakness with poor short term memory
Forgetfulness in writing or speaking
Absent mindedness, poor concentration and foggy mind
Sense of exaggeration of time and space,
Emotional excitement, exaltation of spirit with excessive talkativeness
Uncontrollable laughter with disposition to laugh from slightest trifle and at every word said to him
Fear of becoming mad, fear of approaching death, and fear of darkness
2. Head (Headache)
With its magnificent action on head, it gives remarkable results in cases of headache. For using it, the pain may be felt in forehead that can be throbbing or dull drawing in nature. In some cases, dull or throbbing pain is felt in the back of the head and neck. A heavy weight is felt in the back of head. A very unique guiding feature for its use is a feeling as if the top of head is opening and shutting. Headache with hallucinations is also indicative for its use. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases of involuntary shaking of head.
Key Indicating Features
Dull, throbbing pain in forehead or back of head and neck
Headache with hallucinations
Feeling as if the top of head is opening and shutting
Involuntary shaking of head
3. Ear (Noises, Sensitivity, Pain)
This medicine also acts well on ears. With its action on ears, it can manage well complaint of noises in ears (tinnitus). It can be used for ringing, buzzing or noises like that of boiling water in ear. There may be intense sensitivity to noise. Lastly, it is beneficial for throbbing and aching in ears along with a feeling of blockade in ears.
Key Indicating Features
Ringing, buzzing or noises like that of boiling water in ear
Intense sensitivity to noise
Throbbing and aching in ears along with feeling of blockade in ears
4. Urinary Issues (Difficult Urination, Painful Urination, Kidney Pain)
This medicine proves effective to treat some of the urinary issues. Firstly, it is indicated when there is difficulty in urination. The sufferer has to wait for some time and strain for urine to flow. After the stream ends, there is dribbling of urine. It is helpful to manage painful urination. It can be given when pain is burning, scalding or stinging in nature. It may be felt either before, during or after urination. Other than this, it can be given in cases of kidney pain. It is useful for dull, aching, burning or sharp stitching pain in kidney.
Key Indicating Features
Difficulty in urination, has to wait for some time and strain before urine flows
Burning, scalding or stinging pain before, during or after urination
Kidney pain that can be dull, aching, burning or sharp stitching type
5. Male Problems (Increased Sexual Desire, Painful Erections, Gonorrhoea)
Cannabis Indica is of much help in treating certain male problems as well. This medicine is valuable for controlling increased sexual desire in men. Males needing it have uncontrollable excessive sexual desire (satyriasis). It is also well indicated for managing painful erections. Its use is often considered for priapism cases. Priapism refers to persistent, painful erections continuing for hours without any sexual stimulation. It is also an important medicine to relieve pain in the back that occurs after sexual intercourse. Cannabis Indica is an important medicine for treating gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Here, it work well for cases presenting with profuse yellow white discharge from urethra.
Key Indicating Features
Increased, uncontrollable sexual desire
Persistent, painful erections without any sexual stimulation
Backache after sexual intercourse
Gonorrhoea with profuse yellow white discharge from urethra
6. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Painful Menses, Infertility)
If we talk of female problems, then this medicine can successfully handle cases of heavy menses along with pain. The menses last for prolonged time around two weeks. The menstrual bleeding is dark colored. The uterine pain is intense and is attended with difficult painful urination. An increased desire for sex may be present along with painful menses. Back pain also occurs during menses. Cannabis Indica can also be recommended for treating infertility. In such cases it is well indicated when there is increased sexual desire in women having infertility.
Key Indicating Features
Heavy menses of dark blood along with intense uterine pain and difficult painful urination
An increased desire for sex along with painful menses
Infertility with an increased sexual desire
7. Limbs (Weakness, Paralysis)
Action of this medicine is also noted on the limbs. Cannabis Indica is of great help in managing weakness in the limbs along with stiffness. Its use is also recommended for management of paralysis of lower limbs and right arm. It is a suitable medicine when there is pain in soles, calves, knees, ankles along with fatigue from walking even slight distance.
Key Indicating Features
Weakness in limbs accompanied with stiffness
Paralysis of lower limbs and right arm
8. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Teeth Grinding, Nightmares)
Cannabis Indica is of great clinical significance to deal with cases of long term insomnia (sleeplessness problem). Here it is effective for persons who feel sleepy but are unable to sleep. Another prominent complaint for which it can be used is talking in sleep and grinding of teeth during sleep. Its use is also preferred for cases of jerking of limbs during sleep. Besides these its use is suggested for cases of nightmares. The dreams can be of dead bodies or of some immediate danger.
Key Indicating Features
Sleeplessness, person feels sleepy but cannot sleep
Talking in sleep
Grating teeth during sleep
Jerking limbs during sleep
Nightmares with dreams of dead bodies or of some immediate danger
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from coffee, tobacco, in morning and when lying on right side
Relieving factors: Complaints get better in fresh air, by rest, from cold water
This medicine works well in both low and high potency. If taken in low potency, it can be repeated frequently. In high potency, frequent repetition should be avoided.
Relationship With Other Remedies
It can be compared with other medicines including Agaricus, Belladonna, Cannabis Sativa, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis and Stramonium