Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Phosphoricum is prepared from iron phosphate which is inactive in its crude form. But after potentization (the process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouse medicinal properties from its crude form), iron phosphate is converted into a homeopathic medicine — Ferrum Phosphoricum. It is a biochemic medicine, one among the 12 biochemic medicines also known as Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. Apart from several other health issues, it is a leading medicine to help manage cases of anaemia; the first stage of inflammatory conditions for example sore throat, tonsillitis, otitis media, and conjunctivitis; to control bleeding from various body parts like the nose, lungs, uterus, rectum; and it also helps manage weakness after blood loss.
The ‘Ferrum Phosphoricum’ Constitution
This medicine is very suitable for sensitive, nervous and anaemic people.
Drug Action
The most prominent action of Ferrum Phosphoricum is on the blood and it helps in cases of anaemia, and complaints like a weakness that occurs after blood loss. In general, it acts well to check inflammatory processes in different body parts, especially in the initial stages. Next, it acts well on the head, ears, eyes, face, nose, and throat. Its action is also marked on the respiratory system, limbs, joints, and female genitals.
Clinical Indications
Anaemia, haemorrhages, fever, headache, vertigo, ear disorders, otitis media, conjunctivitis, styes, cold, nose bleeding, profuse menses, painful menses, vaginismus, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, hemoptysis, pleurisy, joint pains, sprains.
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Acts on blood
Ferrum Phosphoricum acts well on the blood. It is a top medicine to help in managing cases of anaemia. Anaemia is a condition characterised by a lack of enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to body tissues. As per the homeopathic therapeutics, this medicine is known to increase haemoglobin levels when given in 3 X potency. Secondly, this medicine helps control bleeding from various body parts. Some of these include the nose, lungs, uterus, and rectum. Besides these, it can be used to manage weakness that follows blood loss.
Key Indicating Features
To control bleeding
Weakness that follows blood loss
2. Head (Headache) And Vertigo
This medicine has marked action on the head. It is an important medicine to manage headaches. It is well-indicated for headaches with pressing and throbbing pain. Stopping and shaking your head makes it worse. The headache gets worse from small movements. A characteristic feature is a relief in headaches by applying cold. Along with the headache, the sensitivity of the scalp is present. There is also a rush of blood to the head. Another very peculiar feature indicating its use is a headache which starts from the top of the head and extends to the sides of the head which is then relieved by nose bleeding. The top of the head is also sensitive to cold air, noise, and jar. Its use is advised in cases of vertigo. The principal indication is vertigo in case of anaemia, with weakness. There is marked dizziness with a sensation as if everything around the victim is swimming.
Key Indicating Features
Headache with pressing throbbing pain
Headache worsens from stopping, shaking head, and from any movement
Headache gets relieved by applying cold
Headache from the top of the head to the sides of the head and subsequently gets better after the bleeding of the nose.
3. Ear Disorders (Otitis Media, Tinnitus, Hearing Difficulty)
This medicine acts well on the ears. It is most suitable for managing otitis media (inflammation or infection of the middle ear). Its use is highly recommended to manage acute otitis media, especially, in the first stage. Those who need it make complaints of throbbing pain in the ear along with ear discharge. This discharge consists of mucus and pus. Secondly, it manages tinnitus (noises in the ear in absence of any external source of sound). It is mostly used when the noise in the ear gets worse upon lying. Mainly ringing and roaring noises are heard in the ear due to the rush of blood to the head. Other than these, it is beneficial in managing deafness that arises from a cold.
Key Indicating Features
Acute otitis media in the first stage
Otitis media with a throbbing earache, and discharge of mucus and pus from the ears
Tinnitus which gets worse upon lying down
Deafness due to cold
4. Eye Complaints (Conjunctivitis, Styes)
This medicine also helps manage certain complaints of the eye as well. It is primarily indicated to manage cases of conjunctivitis (an inflammation of the transparent membrane lining the eyelid and eyeball). It can be given in cases of acute conjunctivitis cases when there is no mucus or pus discharge. The eyes are red, and inflamed accompanied by a burning sensation. There is a sensation of sand under the eyelids. This medicine also deals with cases of traumatic conjunctivitis (which means conjunctivitis that follows some injury). Its use is further recommended in cases of styes (red, painful lump on the edge of the eyelid). It mainly helps in curing styes that form on the lower eyelid.
Key Indicating Features
Acute conjunctivitis without any mucus or pus discharge
Traumatic conjunctivitis
Styes on the lower eyelid
5. Facial Problems (Facial Neuralgia)
If we talk of facial concerns its use is suggested to help cases of facial neuralgia (nerve pain in the face). The symptoms to look for while using it are nerve pain in the face of pressing, stinging or throbbing type which gets worse from stooping, shaking of the head, and upon small movements. It gets better by applying cold. The face becomes hot and red during pain.
Key Indicating Features
Facial neuralgia with pressing, stinging, or throbbing pain
Facial nerve pain worsens when one stoops, from shaking of the head and on any small movement
Facial neuralgia gets better by applying cold
6. Nasal Problems (Cold, Nose Bleeding)
It is most useful in handling cases of cold and nasal bleeding (epistaxis). It is mainly applicable during the first stage of cold with watery nasal discharge. In case of nasal bleeding, it can be used when there is bright red bleeding from the nose.
Key Indicating Features
The first stage of cold with watery nasal discharge
Nose bleeding of bright red blood
7. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Laryngitis)
It manages some of the throat issues quite well. It ensures clinical improvements in cases of sore throat and tonsillitis. It is very helpful when a sore throat occurs along with a cold. There is a pain in the throat that worsens from empty swallowing. The throat is red, and inflamed sometimes with ulcers in the throat. The tonsils are red and swollen, especially the one on the right side. It also acts well on the larynx. Here it is effective in managing laryngitis. It controls well hoarseness of voice mainly that occurs from straining. Much mucus is also felt in the throat. Use of this medicine is also recommended in managing bleeding, and soreness that follows an operation on the throat.
Key Indicating Features
Sore throat which occurs along with cold
Tonsillitis with red and swollen tonsils especially the one on the right side
Laryngitis with hoarseness of voice that occurs from straining the voice
8. For Fever
This medicine is recommended to manage fever cases. The predominant feature to use it are the cases of the first stage of inflammatory fever. It is very helpful in cases of fever that occurs in case of sore throat, cold, cystitis (urinary bladder inflammation). In those who need it, there is general heat with little thirst. Chill also occurs that returns at the same time every day around 1 pm.
Key Indicating Features
First stage of inflammatory fever (like in sore throat)
9. Female Problems (Profuse Menses, Painful Menses, Vaginismus, And Painful Intercourse)
Women may find this medicine helpful in managing various problems. Firstly, it offers help in managing cases in which menses occurs every three weeks with profuse bleeding. It is accompanied by pressure in abdomen and the lower back. Along with heavy menses there occurs pain in the head. During menses, a bearing down sensation is also felt. Ferrum Phos is a highly valuable medicine to manage painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). The most characteristic feature is painful menses accompanied by indigestion and vomiting. There is bearing down pain and marked pain in the lower back. This medicine can help cases of vaginismus (involuntary muscle spasm or contraction when something is trying to enter the vagina) as well. It can effectively deal with cases of pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia). There is marked heat and dryness in the vagina in the patients who need it.
Key Indicating Features
Profuse menses every three weeks with pressure in the abdomen and lower back
Headache during profuse menses
Painful menses accompanied by indigestion, and vomiting
Pain during sexual intercourse
10. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Hemoptysis, Pleurisy)
It treats well some respiratory issues. It is helpful in managing cough. It is well-indicated when the cough is dry, hard, short, and tickling type. Cough gets worse when one is exposed to the open air. It may be accompanied by vomiting. Soreness in the chest may accompany the cough. In some cases, the cough is accompanied by mucus rattling in the chest which worsens during the night. It can be administered in cases of bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs), especially in young children. There is a short, hacking, tickling cough which is at its worse during the mornings and evenings. Its use is also well-indicated in the first stage of pneumonia (inflammation of the air sacs of the lungs). It can be used to manage blood spitting that originates from the lungs (hemoptysis). Besides all these, it is suitable to manage pleurisy (Inflammation of pleura means two layers of tissue that separate lungs from the chest wall) with sharp pain in the right chest. It gets worst on coughing and deep breathing.
Key Indicating Features
Dry, hard, short, tickling cough
Cough which gets worse when going into the open air
Bronchitis especially in young children
Blood spitting that originates from lungs (hemoptysis)
Pleurisy with sharp pain in the right chest, which gets worse on coughing and deep breathing
11. Limbs (Joint Pain, Sprains)
In the case of limbs, its action is mostly well-marked on the joints. It is prominently indicated for joint pains. The guiding feature to use it is joint pain involving one joint after another. The joints are swollen with little redness. Pain increases from the slightest movement. It proves most beneficial for shoulder joint pain. Pain may extend in two different directions – from the shoulder to the chest and to the wrist. The pain is sore and bruised in nature. It is also of great help in case of knee pain. The pain from the knees shoots down the legs. The pain worsens from every motion. The pain causes sleeplessness at night. An important indication suggesting its use is sprains (over stretching of ligaments – fibrous tissue band that connects one bone to another) of elbow.
Key Indicating Features
Joint pains attacking one joint after another
Shoulder pain extending to the chest and wrist
Knee pain which goes down the legs and gets worse from small movements
A sprain in the elbow
Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse at night, in cold air, open air, touch, jar, motion, noise, and cold drinks
Relieving Factors: Complaints get better upon lying down, cold applications, rest, and from bleeding
Its use is usually recommended from third to twelfth potency. Among these, the most preferred is 6X potency. In 6X potency it can be repeated three to four times a day depending on the case.
Relationship with Other Remedies
In cases of fever it can be compared with medicines — Aconite and Gelsemium.
It can be compared with medicines Kali Mur (in case of pneumonia) and Antimonium Tart (in bronchitis cases).