Homeopathic medicine Plumbum Metallicum is derived from metal lead. To obtain this homeopathic medicine metal lead is potentized (Process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses the medicinal power of a crude substance is called potentization). It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage cases of paralysis with muscle atrophy and wrist drop.
Drug Action
The most marked action of this medicine is seen on nerves, muscles and limbs. Other than these, its action is noted on gastric system, mouth, female genitals and urinary system
Clinical Indications
Paralysis, muscle atrophy, wrist drop, numbness, spasms, sciatica, multiple sclerosis, colic, hernia, vomiting, constipation, rectal pain, ovarian pain, vaginismus, menorrhagia (heavy menses), kidney disorders, nephritis,
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Action On Limbs (Paralysis, Atrophy, Wrist Drop, Sciatica)
Plumbum Metallicum acts profoundly on limbs. The most important action of this medicine is to manage cases of paralysis (loss of muscle function). The hallmark indication to use this medicine is paralysis with muscle atrophy (thinning or loss of muscle mass). It is usually most helpful when there is paralysis of single muscles. It is a great medicine to manage paralysis of limbs especially lower limbs along with atrophy. There may be pain in atrophied limbs. It is also indicated for paralysis of right hand, wrist and forearm. It is a specific medicine for paralysis of legs with atrophy in females that occurs after childbirth. There is coldness of legs, stool and urination may pass involuntarily. It is well indicated for paralysis of wrist and arms, it begins with cramps followed by loss of sensation and sudden loss of flesh and body parts becoming cold. Plumbum Met is a leading medicine for cases of wrist drop (inability to extend hand at wrist caused by radial nerve palsy).
Plumbum Met is also considered for cases of trembling, twitching, numbness and tingling in limbs. Further it is a suitable medicine for cases of sciatica (pain that travels along the path of sciatic nerve that starts in lower back and radiates down the hip, back of thigh, back of leg up to feet). For its use in sciatica, the guiding feature is sciatica with muscle atrophy. Persons who need it have drawing, pressing pain from back of thigh to knee with difficult walking and exhaustion from walking. It can also prove effective in relieving lightning like pain in the lower limbs. Besides, it is a wonderful medicine for managing cases of multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which the protective myelin sheath covering nerve fibres is damaged).
Key Indicating Features
Paralysis with muscle atrophy (thinning or loss of muscle mass)
Paralysis of single muscles
Wrist Drop
Sciatica with muscle atrophy
Lightening like pain in the lower limbs
2. Gastric Concerns (Pain, Hernia, Vomiting, Constipation)
It acts wonderfully on the gastric system. It is well indicated to manage abdominal pain arising from obstructed gas. A very peculiar sensation as if abdominal wall is drawn by a string to the spine is present. The pain from abdomen may radiate to all parts of the body. It is a prominent medicine to manage cases of umbilical hernia. This medicine is helpful for stomach pain that gets better by bending backwards and with hard pressure. It can also be used for pain around navel with sensation as if bowels are twisted. It is also useful in managing vomiting. In cases needing it, the vomiting may be of blackish brown fluid, or green mucus. There may also occur vomiting of food. Lastly, there may arise vomiting of faecal matter with constipation and abdomen pain. With its action on rectum, the first complaint where it proves highly effective is constipation. In cases needing it the stool is hard, blackish lumpy or passed in form of hard black balls like sheep dung. Hard stool is attended with intense pain from constriction of anus.
Key Indicating Features
Abdominal pain from obstructed gas
Sensation as if abdominal wall is drawn by a string to the spine
Pain from abdomen radiating to all the parts of body
Stomach pain better by bending backwards and with hard pressure
Constipation when stool is hard, blackish lumpy or passed in form of hard black balls like sheep dung
3. Mouth Complaints (Ulcers, Excessive Salivation)
By acting on mouth, Plumbum Met gives excellent results in cases of mouth ulcers. Here it can be used when mouth ulcers are attended with fetid smell. These ulcers turn yellow. It can be given for cases of excessive salivation. The saliva may be sweetish in taste. It is attended with fetid mouth odor and pain in tongue and lips. Yellow purple ulcers are present on the tip of tongue and mouth. A distinct blue line along margins of gums is a peculiar indication to use it.
Key Indicating Features
Mouth ulcers attended with fetid smell
Excessive salivation, sweet in taste with fetid smell from mouth and pain in tongue and lips
A distinct blue line along margins of gums
4. Female Problems (Ovary Pain, Vaginismus, Heavy Menses)
Plumbum Met can help in treating certain female problems as well. Firstly, it can effectively deal with cases of ovarian pain. The guiding feature to use it is ovary pain getting better by stretching the legs apart. Secondly, it is of great service in cases of vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is trying to penetrate it) with constipation and weight loss. It can next give substantial relief in case of heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia). Here it is indicated for managing heavy bleeding when accompanied with a particular sensation of a string pulling from the abdomen to the back. Bleeding contains dark clots and especially occurs during menopausal period.
Key Indicating Features
Ovary pain better by stretching the legs
Vaginismus with constipation and weight loss
Heavy bleeding accompanied with a particular sensation of a string pulling from the abdomen to back
5. Urinary Issues (Bladder Paralysis, Nephritis, And Strangury)
Besides, Plumbum Met has important action on urinary system. It is prominently indicated to manage cases of paralysis of bladder. Here it can be given if there is difficulty in passing urine or retention of urine. Plumbum Met is considered in cases of chronic interstitial nephritis (a kidney condition in which there occurs swelling in between kidney tubules). In such cases, it is prescribed when it is attended with marked pain in abdomen. Lastly, it can deal with cases of strangury (painful strong desire to urinate and urine emitted drop by drop due to spasm of urethra or bladder) effectively. Those needing it have urge for urination every ten minutes with discharge of urine in drops. It is accompanied with extreme pain. Burning is felt during and after urinating.
Key Indicating Features
Bladder paralysis with difficulty in passing urine or retention of urine
Chronic interstitial nephritis with marked pain in abdomen
Strangury with urge for urination every ten minutes with discharge of urine in drops with extreme pain
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from movement, touch, mental exertion, at night and in open air
Relieving factors: Complaints get better by hard pressure, rubbing, physical exertion, stretching limbs, at rest, bending double relieves abdomen pain
It can be used in both low and high potencies. It can be repeated frequently in low potency, but in high potencies it should not to be taken frequently.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Alumina, Petroleum and Platina
Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Silicea and Sulphur