Corns (also called helomas or clavus) are thick, hard, rough, dead areas on the skin caused by excessive friction or pressure. The most common sites for corns are feet, toes, hands, and fingers. Corns get formed due to excessive friction, rubbing, or pressure on the skin. Corns appear as thick, rough, raised areas on the skin. Corns can either be hard or soft. Hard corns appear majorly on top of the toes or on the sides of the feet while soft corns form in between the toes. They cause pain while walking or standing.
Homeopathic Treatment For Corns
Corns can be successfully treated under the homeopathic mode of treatment that uses a very gentle approach. These remedies for corns are very effective and attack the problem at the root. Surgical removal of corns is temporary and corns tend to recur afterward. Removing the corns with surgery also carries the risk of infection, while natural medicines provide a permanent and completely safe solution to treat corns.
Homeopathic Medicines for Corns
I have treated a large number of corns cases in my clinical practice. The medicines for corns that I have found to be most beneficial are Antimonium Crudum, Silicea, Hepar Sulph, and Ranunculus Bulbosus.
1. Antimonium Crudum – Top-rated Remedy for Corns
Antimonium Crudum tops the list of natural medicines for corns. In my clinical practice, I have seen Antimonium Crudum yield remarkable results in patients with corns. This medicine is, therefore, my first choice for prescription in complaints of corn. As usual, the diagnosis and treatment plan involves an in-depth analysis of the case. The most prominent symptom indicating the use of Antimonium Crudum is the presence of large, horny corns on feet which may or may not be inflamed. Antimonium Crudum is also one of the best medicines for corns where the corns are very tender. The corn may be present on soles or toes. Pain is felt in the corns while walking. Pain can be stinging, pressing, or burning type.
2. Silicea – For Soft Corns
Silicea is another of the top-grade medicines for corns. I have seen excellent results in patients with soft corns treated with Silicea, which is natural and therefore, safe. Soft corns mainly appear between the toes, Silicea is one of the most effective medicines for treating them. The characteristic symptoms – the corns between the toes may be sore and painful. Patients may also feel burning or tearing or violent stitching pain in these types of corns. Silicea also works wonders in corns between toes that tend to suppurate (discharge pus). Excessive sweat with an offensive odor may be present on the foot where the corn is located.
3. Hepar Sulph – For Infected Corns With Pus Formation
Hepar Sulph is one of the best choices of medicines for corn that tend to suppurate (have pus formation). I have seen many corn cases with pus formation heal magnificently well with the use of Hepar Sulph. The kind of corns for which Hepar Sulph would be the most suitable prescription are corns infected with pus formation and pricking pain. Burning, and stinging pains may also be experienced in cases where Hepar Sulph would be one of the ideal medicines for corns. Such corns may also be highly sensitive to touch.
4. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Corns With Smarting Or Burning Pain
Ranunculus Bulbosus works well in cases where corns have marked smarting or burning pain. The corns are highly sensitive to touch. The corns are hard, and horny. The corns in this case are very sensitive to touch.
5. Sulphur – For Inflamed Corns
Sulphur is well indicated for corns that are inflamed (red, swollen, hot, painful). In cases needing it, a burning sensation is most prominent in corns. Besides the pain of stinging, pressive, boring, and stitching pain can be present.
6. Lycopodium – For Painful Corns
In cases where the most prominent symptoms are thick, indurated (hardened) corns on the feet with pressing, stitching, tearing, aching, and drawing pains, Lycopodium shows the best results. Lycopodium is also one of the best medicines for corns which are inflamed and results in sore, stinging, burning pain.
7. Ranunculus Sceleratus – For Painful Corns On Balls Of Toes
This medicine is indicated for painful corns on the balls of the toes, especially the first and second toe. The pain gets worse on bending the toe and better by extending (straightening) the toe. The corns are also sensitive to touch and pressure. A unique feature is the worsening of pain when one hangs down the legs.
Signs and Symptoms Of Corns
Location: Mostly corns form on the sole of the feet or on the side/top of the toes. But these may also form on the hands and fingers.
Colour: Corns are mainly yellowish in colour. With time the colour may change to red, brown, or black
Signs and symptoms are:
1. Thick, rough round areas on the skin surface that are exposed to frequent pressure or friction. It has a pointy part that digs quite deep inside the feet
2. Raised hard bump on the skin
3. Pain and tenderness in these areas. Pain gets worse upon touch and pressure. While walking it may feel as if one is walking on the stones
Types Of Corns
1. Hard corns (Heloma durum or clavus durus): These are small hard areas on the skin with thick skin. These appear on top of the toes.
2. Soft corns (Heloma molle or clavus mollis): These are soft textured and whitish or grey coloured. These form between the toes
3. Seed corns: These corns form on the bottom of the feet and are small in size
4. Heloma neurovasculare – Corn that contains nerves or on the blood vessels
5. Subungual heloma – Corn that forms under the nail
Causes Behind Corn Formation
The major cause of corn formation is excessive friction, rubbing or pressure on the skin. Corns are actually formed out of a protective response to save the skin from the effects of excessive pressure and friction.
Some of the predisposing factors for corns are:
1.Wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose
2.Wearing high-heeled shoes cause corns and callus on the feet
3. Long, continued standing or walking schedule for extended time periods
4. Sports activities of some occupational work that puts pressure on the feet regularly
5. Excessive sweat on the feet
6. Walking barefoot, and not wearing socks while wearing the shoes
7. Walking improperly and heavily on inner or outer margin of the foot
8. Long, continued use of tools or musical instruments or lifting heavy weights are the major factors that are predisposing conditions for corn formation on the hands.
9. Some type of corns (keratosis punctata) are inherited which means a person has a family history of such corns formation.
10. Having medical conditions like bunion (bony bump forming on joint at the base of the big toe), hammertoe (a deformity causing the toe to bend downward), arthritis (joint inflammation) in feet.
If corns are left untreated these may grow in size. These may become painful making walking difficult. Secondly, there are chances of corn becoming infected. The redness of corn along with the oozing of fluid may be indicative of infection. If someone has some medical condition like diabetes which results in poor blood flow to feet then the chance of complications increases.
Are Corns & Calluses Same?
Though both corns and calluses are thick, due to hard rough area on the skin arising from repetitive pressure and friction, they are not the same. Some use both these terms interchangeably but here are some differentiating features between the two conditions:
1. Corns are hard thick slightly raised small round areas on the skin and are more deep-rooted than calluses. On the other hand, calluses are hardened and thick patches on the skin that are larger than corn, and flatter, and irregular in shape.
2. Mostly corns form on the top and side of the toes, soles, or between the toes. On the other hand, calluses mainly form on the sole of the feet that wear weight like the ball of the foot, heels, big toe, and side of the foot. Calluses can also form on the hands, elbows, and knees.
3. Corns get painful if pressure is applied while calluses are rarely painful and do not give any discomfort
Are Corns On Feet & Plantar Warts (Warts On Feet) The Same?
One may confuse corn on the feet with a plantar wart. Both of these appear as rough skin growths but these are different things.
1. Corns form due to frequent pressure or friction while warts are caused by a virus (Human papillomavirus HPV).
2. Warts can form anywhere on the feet but corns form on pressure points
2. Corns appear as raised hard bumps with dark skin around them while warts are grainy and fleshy in appearance with black pinpoints, and warts often appear in clusters.
3. When hardened skin on the feet is peeled away and if it bleeds or black points are formed then it indicates the presence of wart and not corn.
4. Pinch test – if on squeezing the sides of the lesion, pain occurs then it indicates wart. While if direct pressure on the lesion excites pain then it is corn.
Corns can be easily diagnosed by looking at the feet. No laboratory tests are required to confirm the diagnosis. While carrying out the physical examination the doctor will rule out other causes of thick skin spots on the feet like warts and calluses.
Prevention Of Corns
1. Wear properly sized and shaped comfortable footwear, neither too tight nor too loose. The shoes you wear should be well-cushioned.
2. Avoid hard-soled shoes, narrow-toed shoes, and high-heeled shoes.
3. Wear feet pads or bandages over the feet area which rubs against footwear.
4. Always wear socks with shoes
5. Wear padded gloves when using any hand tools
6. Avoid walking barefoot
7. Keep toenails short
8. Keep feet dry, and if you have tendency of excessive sweating on the feet powder them to keep them dry
Avoid The Following If One Has Corn
1. Never cut corns by yourself
2. Avoid wearing tight shoes
3. Avoid walking barefoot
4. Do not walk or stand for extended periods of time