Skin redness medically called erythema can occur from a number of reasons. The causes varies from mild to serious, so one should always consult a doctor for correct diagnosis and treatment at the right time. The redness may appear on any part of the body and can be attended with rash/eruptions on the skin, itching, burning sensation and swelling. The redness can occur in spots/patches or can be generally seen on any body part. Out of the many reasons, the first reason can be dermatitis/ eczema. It refers to inflammation on the skin with red, itchy patches. It can be attended with eruptions that may ooze fluid besides showing red inflamed skin. It is of various types like atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis. Another cause can be sunburn in which a rash appears on the skin resulting from excessive exposure to UV rays of the sun. Its signs and symptoms may include redness on skin with heat, pain, sensitivity to touch, fluid-filled eruptions (blisters), and itching. In severe cases there may occur fever, headache and nausea, or vomiting.
Another cause behind red skin can be skin burns from causes like hot liquids, flames, chemicals, acids. Next cause can be rosacea. In this skin condition, there is intense redness/flushing of face that can be attended with pimples on face. Additionally, there is dilatation of the blood vessels over the face that start to become visible. Further causes include lupus, shingles and ringworm. Lupus is an autoimmune condition that can affect multiple body parts including the skin. In case of a skin rash, it occurs mainly on face, scalp and neck. A very characteristic feature of this condition is a red, butterfly-shaped rash on the face. Shingles refers to a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus resulting in fluid-filled little eruptions on the skin with marked pain, itching, burning, numbness and tingling. Ringworm refers to ring-shaped red patches on the skin resulting from a fungal infection. Another cause can be psoriasis that is a skin condition causing red inflamed patches on the skin covered with silvery white scales. Hives is yet another reason that causes raised bumps (wheals) on skin that can be red-colored and are inflamed. Red rashes can also appear as the side effects of certain medicines, for example pain medicines like aspirin, advil, and antibiotics like penicillin. Skin redness may also occur in cases of insect bites and stings. Besides the above, skin redness can appear in cases of cellulitis, erysipelas and scarlet fever. Cellulitis and erysipelas are skin infections. Among these, erysipelas affects the superficial layers of skin while cellulitis is a serious infection that affects deeper tissues. Scarlet fever is a bacterial illness that can appear in persons who have suffered from strep throat (a type of sore throat caused by group A streptococcus bacteria). In scarlet fever, a bright red rash appears on the skin along with sore throat and high fever.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy is very effective in managing cases of skin redness. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that are entirely safe to use with zero side effects. They brings excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Along with skin redness, homeopathic medicines also help in managing associated symptoms like itching, burning, and eruptions on the skin. A suitable homeopathic medicine for skin redness has to be selected in every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation. So one should always consult a homeopathic physician prior to use of any homeopathic medicine for skin redness. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for managing cases of skin redness of mild to moderate intensity. The cases with severe skin redness and those with some serious cause like cellulitis behind skin redness must take help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in helping such serious cases. Self-medication should not be done in any case.
Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Redness
1. Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine
Apis Mellifica is a top-listed homeopathic medicine to manage skin redness. In cases needing this medicine, skin redness is attended with heat, burning, stinging sensation. It is also indicated for redness on skin attended with marked swelling. This medicine is of great use in cases of allergic dermatitis. The skin is red, sensitive and painful to touch in such cases. Next it is effective for cases of hives. Here red, inflamed bumps form on the skin. There is burning stinging pain. There is marked itching in the hives. It gets worse at night. The hives are painful to touch where this medicine is required.
2. Belladonna – For Redness, Heat And Dryness On Skin
This medicine is very beneficial for cases of redness on skin with heat and dryness. On touching the skin, it feels burning hot. Itching is also felt along with skin redness. Swelling may be visible on the affected area. This medicine is useful to treat red spots on the skin accompanied with small fluid-filled eruptions. There may be fever along with marked heated sensation in the body. This medicine is very helpful for treating cases of dermatitis with bright red patches on the skin. This medicine also works well in cases of rosacea. In such cases, the face turns red along with burning and heated sensation.
3. Merc Sol – For Skin Redness With Fluid Filled Eruptions
Merc Sol is an effective medicine for treating cases of redness on the skin attended with fluid-filled eruptions. These eruptions ooze a thin clear fluid after which redness remain for a few days. In some cases, pus-filled eruptions may form on the reddish spots on the skin. Merc Sol is very helpful for managing eczema cases with small raised dark red spots on the skin. Eczema can be present on any body part except the face where this medicine is required. It is accompanied with intense itching. Burning sensation is felt that gets worse from touch and rubbing. Pain is felt along with burning.
4. Graphites – For Red Spots On Skin With Itching And Burning
Graphites is a very important medicine for managing cases of red spots on skin attended with intense itching and burning sensation. Red spots appear on the skin which are slightly elevated. Bluish white eruptions may also be seen. Itching is very severe with an urge to scratch it violently. The skin is dry and rough in general.
5. Natrum Mur – For Skin Redness In Eczema And Hives
This medicine is of great help in cases of eczema and hives with marked redness on the skin. In eczema cases, it is used when there is redness, dryness and inflammation on the skin. Crusty eruptions may form in the bends of limbs like elbow crease and area behind the knees. In cases of hives, it is indicated when large red bumps appear on skin with an urge for violent itching. Besides, there is burning sensation. Hives usually appear after exertion where this medicine is required.
6. Sepia – For Red Spots In Psoriasis Cases
Sepia is very suitable for managing cases of red spots on skin in cases of psoriasis. In cases requiring it, oval shaped red patches are seen on the skin covered with white shiny scales. The patches can be present on the face, head, arms, legs, chest, and back.