May is Mental Health Awareness Month and to honor that, we’ve put together a couple of ways you can easily bolster your mental well-being.
If it isn’t obvious, mental health is as important as physical health. Your mental well-being affects how you interact with others, handle stress and whether you make healthy choices — all of which can impact you in other ways, too.
And while this month is dedicated to mental health, we’ve got a secret — these tips are useful all year round!
Having meaningful relationships is a fundamental part of life. They help us grow and develop interpersonal skills. Most importantly, they introduce a level of joy into our lives that can be unmatched.
Don’t waste your time on people who don’t reciprocate the same feelings — if they seem to take more from you than they give back, find better people to connect with. Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams and want you to achieve them.
That’s where the global network of Brand Partners comes in. Connecting online (or at an event like PXP!) is a great way to meet likeminded individuals who know how to prioritize health.
Caring for ourselves is the first step in caring for others. Self-care is never selfish, and it looks different for everyone. For some people, prioritizing their mental health means getting more rest, exercising regularly and pursuing healthy daily habits. For others, it could mean making big changes in their life that will lead to more health and happiness in the long run.
You’re here because you believe in yourself and have a global network of people who believe in you, too. Use that platform as a base for carving out time to do what you need to do for you.
Sometimes, if you can’t get certain thoughts out of your head, the best thing to do is write them down. It’s as easy as sitting down with a notebook and your favorite pen and devoting some time to writing out what you’re thinking about.
If you don’t like writing by hand, create a document on your computer or a note on your laptop and journal there!
The act of journaling can help relieve stress and anxiety by helping you externalize feelings in a productive manner and has also been shown to help navigate trauma.
If you’re unsure of where to start when journaling, try some of these prompts:
- What is one thing you’re grateful for today?
- What are your goals for the next week, month and year?
- If money were no object, where would you take a vacation and what would you do?
It doesn’t matter if you’re cruising in your car with the windows down or cuddling up in an armchair, turning your favorite song on isn’t just fun, it’s good for you! Listening to music has been shown in studies to stimulate your brain, which can lead to better learning and engagement for a longer period of time.
Listening to your favorite song can also help your memory (raise your hand if you can remember every lyric, but not your uncle’s birthday).
Finally, you’re likely to be happier because when you listen to something you love, your brain releases dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin — all of which have a positive impact on the brain. So go ahead, listen to the song you’ve already listened to 3,850 times in your life! Or, if you need some new ones, check out the Partner.Co playlists on Spotify.