The newest viral trend going around for teens and young adults is called “bed rotting” and is increasing depressive symptoms in young adults. “Bed rotting” is essentially a way to mentally recharge however, it involves spending extended periods of time in bed, but instead of sleeping, they are scrolling on social media. Embark Behavioral Health, a premier provider of young adult mental health treatments, has researched this habit and concluded that “bed rotting” “increases loneliness and promotes an unhealthy relationship with technology.” If your child has taken on this habit, watch for loneliness symptoms like isolation, changes in sleeping or eating habits, neglecting responsibilities, irritability, or excessive sadness. These symptoms can lead to depression as “summertime usually means a change in routines and ample free time, so it’s important to create a safe space for your child to express themselves without fear or judgement,” says Sharnell Myles, chief clinical officer at Embark.
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